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Dnd 3.5 sheets missing skills.

So since the most recent Monday there has been an update with the 3.5 edition of character sheets, all the psionic skills (autohypnosis, psicraft, knowledge psionics) and uncommon skills (martial lore, Iajutsu ect) have been removed. Under attributes and abilities you can find what was inputted there, but I'm confused as to why they were removed. Is there a toggle to make all skills visible, or is this an error?
i got the same issue
Thanks for the heads-up, this has been raised to the relevant parties to fix! This is related to the other issues we've had in the past week with our build process, but this particular issue has already been pinpointed and resolved, so these sheets just need a rebuild. I've flagged them to be rebuilt manually on our end.
Is there possibly a general ETR for this issue? (the comments on this are over a month in the past) I've adjusted for the moment by just creating the necessary skills in the "other skills" section, as I'm guessing most others have also done by now, but it still throws me off when I go to match up my excel sheet with the skills page. Not the most urgent of reasons, I know, but an annoyance for long enough warrants a little attention so it doesn't snowball into larger negativities. Thank you for your time, your work, and everything your whole company has accomplished and produced/published. I really do appreciate it, I've been able to reconnect with friends I haven't been around for 10+ years because of life events and such, but now we hop on and game regularly just like it was the way we intended things to be. 
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
other thread mentioning similar issues with same sheet: D&D 3.5 character sheet fluctuation made some skills disappear!