I made the original roll20 sheet for Imperium Maledictum last year because I wanted to actually play and there wasn't one at the time. I heard from Robert B. that he made an updated sheet at : https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/11725826/imperium-maledictum-new-sheet, and gave my blessing to replace the old sheet, and I assumed that roll20 had done so since I'm not currently playing IM on roll20.
I just found out this morning from requests to update the old sheet that my sheet is still there. So after talking to Robert B. I am going to update my old sheet to use his UI (but my roller formulas, which I have tested pretty thoroughly). So there will be a +add button for most of the things that need more slots, like talents and specializations. The new sheet will be backwards compatible with my old sheet (but not Roberts sheet - so you will have to port your stats over if you want to use it - otherwise you can keep using his if you loaded it from github) so it should just load and work properly when I push the update.
Give me a week and a half or so and I will push the update.
Let me know if you have any feature requests. I will get it working first, but will possibly look at adding things after that.