Other systems on Demi was said by Roll20 to have sheets in Roll20 next year. And as I still think a Pf II Re/Remastered will be next year to, along with a Starfinder 2nd ed playtest one hopefully. Ya it is what it is and the lack of comms from Roll20 on Paizo products is WELL KNOWN my most here and out on the net. We keep getting thse promises of better and full disclosure, like the one you posted that Roll20 stated on Twitter I think, or was it X?? Roll20 still hav'nt backed anything but but with words, no plan of action, hell even a out by quarter 1, 2 3 or even 4 in 2025 would be nice. The wait and see game is just so old now, ya know? Not much we can do but post our "promptings" here on the forum and hope someone will pop something, anything out about the future. And I know hard dates are hard to come by, but something so we can plan our games around a day, month or yes even a year if it has to be!! IF we are shown some kind of roadmap and a date is missed its way easier to handle than nothing til it gets released, we can be quite forgiving if we know what (something, anything) is going on, otherwise we tend to think the worst, IE sheets delayed as more resouces get put into D&D 5.5 Ed or some such, just as am example mind you :) Tom