Hello all, In the Game System I am developing the sheet and compendium, they just released a new books with hundreds of new abilities. The system works like a "skill network", rather than a "skill tree" in a sense that depending on a combination of the abilities you already have, if you meet certain conditions you can unlock new abilities. In order to help the users, I have already a small database of this skill network, and I have a sheetworker functions that inspects the characters, and creates a "report" of all the new abilities he could unlock in his progression. This report is currently a plain text, that I display in the sheet in a <textarea>, but I am thinking that with the compendium it could be so much cooler to have the report be in HTML so that each available Ability is an hyperlink that can be clicked to open its compendium page... <textarea> is notable for being plain text only, but is there any other way I didn't think that a sheetworker could actually output a string that would be a valid HTML , and the HTML string would be displayed somewhere in the sheet ?