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Is Sebastian Crowe’s Guide to Drakkenheim content compatible with the Charactermancer?

Hey I was just wondering if Sebastian Crowe’s Guide to Drakkenheim's subclasses and spells are usable via the charactermancer? Thanks!

Edited 1718292771
Forum Champion
Hi Rustea,  First, I did a cursory  check and yes, it appears that it is in the charactermancer.  Second, I suggest purchasing the book and testing for yourself. Roll20 offers an excellent refund policy . You can buy a book and test it for up to 15 days, if you don't like it you can refund it.  I suggest buying Roll20 products when you have enough time to evaluate them after the purchase. Ie: Buy a product, really look it over over the course of the next week or two, refund if you don't like it. 
It is indeed compatible (I have it, backed it as part of the kickstarter).  It's just not hugely good (it's better than the original module).  The way they've implemented it isn't great and they are not at all responsive for fixes sadly.
Forum Champion
Hi Jonathan K.,  Who is "they"?  What are the problems in the implementation?