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Campaign performance issues, what are my options?

Hello! Longtime roll20 user & subscriber here. I started with roll20 when I came back to DMing many years ago, looks like 8 or 9 years ago based on my game forum posts. To begin with I wanted the dice and "tabletop" functionality - showing a map, maybe moving tokens on the map, and rolling the dice. Since then I've learned a bit about what these VTTs can offer, and what I now want/need when I run a pathfinder Adventure Path (I'm about to start my 6th within a couple of months) are the following features: 1. Maps. I want to be able to import a map of a big base, dungeon, or piece of wilderness. An example of a map from the campaign book I'm currently preparing is a 70x50 squares large map, each square representing 5ft/the average size of a player character or monster. It has 20-30 rooms with doors and windows. It's a pretty average map for Pathfinder adventure paths, finding a temple in the jungle would often be the same size to fit both jungle and temple with several rooms or buildings in the same. Fog of war is a pretty decent function, but dynamic lighting and especially the more modern versions of dynamic lighting would really be the icing on the cake for this map as the players go to explore it. 2. Campaign library. I use other programs for my own extensive campaign notes. But in roll20 I can share images, make folders, share info files. One imporant function is keeping things from previous part of the campaign - for relevance (oh, the BBEG is actually the father of that guy we killed way back then?!) and for sentimentality (hey guys, remember that huge ass robot we fought at level 5 which we weren't even supposed to encounter until level 8?!). 3. Character sheets. My players appreciate being able to collect all of their character related info in one place, and especially within roll20 as it interacts well with the chat and they don't lose the stuff. The character sheets also have useful automation. 4. Dice rolling. I personally don't care for it, I roll IRL, but my players want the automated rolling from their sheets, and in general just open rolling so noone cheats or whatever. 5. Tokens. Custom image. Health and AC values, I often use one more value for something. And macros. I use an initiative button for every monster, and a button for hidden save rolls (very basic, just /w gm Fortitude [[1d20+5]] etc).  Now, in almost every campaign I've played I've encountered severe lag. The only time I didn't was in a campaign that ended while it hadn't been around for long. The first time I experienced lag was when the players coming towards the climax of the very first adventure I DMed discovered a temple hidden beneath the water by a jungle island. The map was too big, I guess. After that, I've had whole campaign start lagging to a point where I could barely open them or do anything in them. That's been at about book 5-6 of an adventure path when the accumulated weight of character sheets grow too much. More recently, I've had lag related to dynamic lighting (even though I use it as I understand rather well, I guess a map can still be too big and complicated) and related perhaps to map size in general. I no longer store hundreds of characters in my campaigns, I actually rarely make characters for NPCs because apparently that creates lag. I prune a lot of stuff to keep the weight down. My players have 1-2 character sheets each, and some of them save a lot of spells or other things in the sheets.  At the end of the day, even though I've adapted a lot to the performance issues on roll20, I still cannot reliably use dynamic lighting on the very exciting maps my players are going to explore. I actually shouldn't upload these maps at all, I get warnings way below the size of these standard large dungeon maps. And sometimes I get lag I can't relate to anything but simple map size (without dynamic lighting) and accumulated campaign weight. Even when I maintain the campaign to keep the weight low. So I've looked at the advice offered on this website, in the wiki etc. How do I maintain good performance. As it turns out, related to the different uses I have for this VTT: 1. My RPG maps don't fit the website very well , and the exciting functionality roll20 offers in the form of dynamic lighting etc will just risk creating lag. 2. I shouldn't really use roll20 for a campaign library.  Saving too much stuff, keeping around the info for the characters the players have fought or that have died is just creating lag. 3. The character sheets are an issue because they weigh too much. My players shouldn't collect the data such as spells that is relevant for their character. 4. Well I guess the dice rolling works. 5. I can have tokens on the map, but I should really think twice before granting them vision and I can't have buttons on the tokens for rolling initiative or other simple rolls  because making those macros are character sheet functions and character sheets weigh too much. So for my next campaign, I'm looking at the options of: a. Sticking with roll20, trying to keep my use of it even more simplified, not using the exciting functions I get emails about, telling my players to use it in a simple way and e.g. not collect spells. Still I'm at risk of getting lag due to map sizes, accumulated weight, or other unknown reason. b. Just doing very simple maps with very simple tokens in roll20 and handling the rest via discord and google drive. Why is it like this? Why am I offered functionalities which are traps and will make my campaign lag? Why can't the function I pay for offer me even functioning systems for using very basic pathfinder maps without warning me that I risk causing lag? I like this website a lot. But now that I again feel boxed in, unable to prepare the maps I want, I really doubt whether I can continue using this service for my next campaign. Does anyone have solutions or advice for me?

Edited 1718288993
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Hi Oskar! Your campaign description sounds very much like my own. I offload a lot of old stuff into a  Library Campaign , but the actual game is quite large. My players and I have experienced lag every blue moon or so, but nothing systemic. Here are my game stats, collected by the Campaign Survey script: 283 characters  • 153585 attributes  • 2850 abilities 212 pages 63 lighting 8340 graphics   • 7262 Library   • 1078 Market 203 handouts 136 macros 114 tables 616 texts 14 decks 203 jukebox tracks 11 players If you want to see how your game stats compare for context, the Campaign Survey script is available in One Click. Install and run "!survey". Some of the maps are quite large (100 squares across, though I admittedly do not use DL on those) Some maps can contain hundreds of tokens. I use built-in Voice and Video One last thing, I do conversion work for Roll20, including a lot of those very large Pathfinder maps. So I can suggest some techniques. OK, all that was for context. I do have some specific recommendations, though I'll skip the ones it sounds like you are already doing, Extremely large maps Upload these in sections. Slice them up in an image editing program and assemble the pieces in Roll20. Some of my largest maps have 6-8 tiles. If you upload as a high quality jpeg, you are unlikely to notice any difference between that and a png, and the file size is likely to be significantly smaller. For better performance on very large maps, consider sizing them so that two five foot printed squares fit into a single Roll20 cell. Then set the cell width to 0.5. This can help with performance for inscrutable math reasons I am told. I believe it has to do with how images are served (Roll20 creates copies of your images at multiple resolutions to more efficiently serve them at different zoom levels). Give Jumpgate a try You can copy your game into Jumpgate and ask your players to give it a try under actual conditions. You can't copy it back out of Jumpgate, but you'll still have your original if everything goes sideways. Jumpgate is supposed to be much more efficient, and is nearly at feature parity. Alternatively, you can just try copying your game normally. Some games, particularly older ones, could have corrupted data, or just be on a server shard with less than stellar performance. Try running in the copy and see if performance doesn't increase. Sight Don't give sight to NPCs unless you have to. Most of the time, they don't need it, and you can toggle it on quite easily on an ad hoc basis. Using Ctrl-L on a sightless token gives you the option to turn their sight on with a click. I have been told that UDL does not have the same perfoermance issues with manhy sighted tokens on the page, but the main reason I suggest turning them off is because the GM sees all sighted token visions at once. If ten goblins with darkvision are in a dimly lit room, it can appear like bright light, because vision overlaps. This is confusing. Just leave it off. NPC tokens and character sheets I run 5e, so I can't guarantee advice here compared to your experience with PF. Sheet choice can definitely affect performance. Since Roll20 instituted Lazy Loading a few years back, the number of sheets in a campaign should not be a performance issue. Those attributes are ignored until they are needed. An individual sheet can become bogged down if there is too much data on it, but campaign-wise this should not be an issue. Virtually every NPC token or Map Key token on one of my maps is associated with a character, though frequently in a many-to-one relationship (I.e. 50 commoner tokens all sharing one Commoner sheet) In conclusion, there's no way for me to say definitively what is causing lag for you, other than give general advice. I run one game and host three others for the other GMs in our group. We do not typically experience lag and performance issues, though they do occur from time to time. I am on a Mac, and they run PCs, ranging from top of the line gaming rigs to not-quite potatoes. Here's some links with other general advice: Optimizing Roll20 Performance Performance Issues - Steps to Troubleshoot Lag Dynamic Lighting Requirements & Best Practices
Forum Champion
Hi Oskar,  Mind if I come take a look at a campaign of yours that causes lag? I might be able to identify making a change that can help. 

Edited 1718295656
Forum Champion
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I don't see any issues with what the OP has listed in these 5 categories. None of those should cause lag, at the sizes/quantity that the OP listed. The lag is probably/possibly coming from somewhere else, and is possibly/probably something that can be troubleshooted and eliminated. Now if the OP had said their maps was 200x300 squares and has Dynamic Lighting, yes, that would be in Lag-Expected territory. If the OP had 1000 characters and monsters.  If the OP's map has 100's of tokens, or dozens of tokens with Vision and Lighting settings. That could cause lag.  But from the stats I'm reading in the Original Post above, I don't see anything that is known or expected to be lag.  On the contrary -- you can & should expect to be able to use all those Roll20 Features, without a significant lag. I use them, I don't have lag.  Keep delving into it --- do what keithcurtis suggested and what Gauss offered

Edited 1718355596
Thanks for the input, maybe I should be able to maintain the campaigns I have without lag. I have a pretty good computer, I’ve tried different browsers, and I have a good internet connection so it shouldn’t be an issue on my end. I had one specific map a few months ago, size about 50x70 or less squares, and dynamic lighting. It was a cave system. No round shapes, but lots of corners and edges due to the shape of the cave tunnels. Afaik no vision on any NPCs, probably a total of 7 tokens with vision. Our session ground to a halt as I had to turn dynamic lighting off entirely. Then I did the same for the next two maps for similar performance issues. It made me disappointed… I don’t really get what to do about that. And unfortunately my issue isn’t right now. I’ve mitigated it a lot and I’m more apprehensive about investing the time and effort in another full campaign. Maybe I should try add dynamic lighting to all my maps and basic macros (including empty character files) to all my tokens for the coming big dungeon, use some more of Keith’s arcane advice. If it works it works, but I’ll never know when the lag comes again. If it doesn’t work, I can maybe get more specific help here…
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Question: On the cave system, did you draw the DL lines with the freehand tool? This is now deactivated on the DL layer finally, for good reason. It creates hundreds of points, and is unsuitable for the math of DL. It would almost certainly be a problem source. For DL, the more simple the line, the better.
No, I was introduced properly to dynamic lighting many years ago so I believe I do create my maps and other campaign elements in a way that shouldn't create performance issues :)
Okay I just managed to move my browsers from energy saver mode on my internal graphics card to my gaming laptop's actual graphics card through the instructions on the wiki here. Maybe I've over the years had very different reasons for the lag. Hopefully, campaign weight and roll20 performance was only an issue in my very first campaigns, long ago...
Forum Champion
Ultimately, we are just guessing what might be the issue without coming and taking a look. 
Oskar said: unfortunately my issue isn’t right now. I’ve mitigated it a lot and I’m more apprehensive about investing the time and effort in another full campaign. Maybe I should try add dynamic lighting to all my maps and basic macros (including empty character files) to all my tokens for the coming big dungeon, use some more of Keith’s arcane advice. If it works it works, but I’ll never know when the lag comes again. If it doesn’t work, I can maybe get more specific help here… The issue isn't lag right now, but rather what I haven't been able to do with roll20.