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Dumb question on showing handouts

Hi all, My first post. I'm very new to roll20 although not to D&D - been playing since the 70's. I'm DM-ing my first campaign and there are probably loads of things I need to ask I will start with this problem as I've hit it a few times and am confident it's me being dim! (I'm running Icewind Dale) When using various materials in the Journal there will often be something that I'm using/reading to the players and I will realise that I'm seeing a nice piece of artwork or some information that I'd like to show to the players. Now I know that if I find an item in the journal I can right click and use the show to players option. But what if I already have it open in front of me - is there a way I can show it to one or more players without having to go back to the journal and find where the item I want to share is? Kind Regards Steve

Edited 1718541196
Forum Champion
Hi DM - Steve,  At the top of the handout or character is a Show to Players button. 
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If you only want to share with specific players, then you can click on its name in the journal tab and drag it onto their avatar in the player area.
Hi both thanks for the responses - @Gaus I think that is what I'm not seeing - I only see an edit button. --- This is on the main Journal doc.but it is the same if I open the handout in the link I get the art image in a new window but still just with an edit button @Keith, I suspected that may be the case - I will just have to master the search function to quickly find handouts that I've opened from a link

Edited 1718633962
So...with a little more research I have found some "hand-out type" documents that do in fact have the show to players button but many (including newly created ones) which do not - what am I missing? It does seem that the ones with the button enabled pop up within the roll20 main window and cannot be moved outside. Ones without the button when opened can be anywhere (and have a popout=true in the URL  (if that makes sense) In fact I don't think I've found any materials in the Icewind dale module with the share button - it seems to be just on PDFs that I've added
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The behavior to popout when opened is set at the campaign level in the in-game settings tab. You should not be getting a case where some are popping out and some not. It should either be manual for all or automatic for all. My suggestion is to not pop out by default, as apparently this breaks the share button (I've never noticed or tested this since I don't often pop things out. Are you opening your handouts with a link, or opening them from the journal tab? If you are getting inconsistent behavior, please list some handouts which are exhibiting the different behaviors. If I can reproduce, I'll try to kick this to the dev team.
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I've confirmed that the Share with Players button disappears on popped out journals (Character sheets and handouts). This is not new behavior, and added it to the wiki .
Thanks Keith, tbh I prefer "popped out" (or I did) as I thought it allowed me to manage my screen estate more efficiently but now it does seem inconsistent as pdfs don't popout and handouts do. But I didn't realise - or I missed the campaign setting so I will adjust this
OK I found the popout setting which wasn't that obvious as it was titled "character popout windows" which I thought was to allow players to pop out their character sheets but anyway it has solved my immediate problem - thanks again for the assistance
Forum Champion
DM - Steve said: OK I found the popout setting which wasn't that obvious as it was titled "character popout windows" which I thought was to allow players to pop out their character sheets but anyway it has solved my immediate problem - thanks again for the assistance Good point, seems like a better label-name would be: Journal Windows Pop-out