To support the JumpGate release to all Roll20 users, I am finalising a small extension to RoundMaster to support exporting Token Statuses from a campaign to a copy of that campaign created using the Roll20 campaign copying function. The Need: In order to migrate an existing game from the current Roll20 platform to the new JumpGate version, the GM must use the Roll20 Campaign Copying function, selecting the new JumpGate Beta Platform during the process of making the copy. However, this function does not copy the APIs or the all-important Roll20 state variable that holds the RPGM configuration and RoundMaster token status and effect tables. The RPGM APIs can easily be loaded from the Roll20 One-Click library. However, doing this creates a new, blank, state variable. The Solution: I will release as soon as possible a version of RoundMaster that has two new commands: --state-extract and --state-load API-name . Running the !rounds --state-extract command will create a "StateMule" character sheet that contains a JSON stringified version of the complete state object of the campaign in which the command is run. This character sheet can then be "Transmogrified" (standard Roll20 function) to the copy campaign (for instance, one running on JumpGate ) and then the !rounds --state-load RPGM command run in the copy campaign, which will restore the Roll20 state variable to the same state as the original campaign. Note: the RPGM is actually unnecessary, as the load will default to loading all RPGM API states and nothing else. !rounds --state-load all will load the complete extracted state variable, including for non-RPGM APIs. I cannot guarantee this will not cause issues. !rounds --state-load API-name (e.g. API-name could be RoundMaster) would load the state for just the named API. Other than for RPGM APIs, case is significant to the individual API: it is suggested the case of the JSON text in the "state" ability on the StatusMule character sheet is examined for the correct case. !rounds --state-load API-name1 | API-name2 | API-name3 | ... will load the states of each of the named APIs. The same case rules as above apply for non-RPGM APIs. As this is a RoundMaster command, only the RoundMaster API need be loaded and in use. The rest of the RPGMaster suite is optional. Hopefully this capability will be in the next merge, to allow you all to enjoy RPGMaster with JumpGate. I'll post here when it goes live. If there are any other features you'd like for this, let me know.