This is something I've felt Roll20 has been sorely lacking for a while; the ability to have multiple chats going within the one campaign, in a manner similar to IRC rooms. A system like this would solve a few problems that I often find coming up in my games. The ability to split the party is only half realised in Roll20. You can split the party based on map, but everyone is confined to the same chat room, meaning you can't keep information secret between the two groups. Currently, engaging in private, one on one conversations with players can be a pain. It's all too easy to forget to put in the whisper command before your text, and then the whole party can see the private note you were trying to pass along. If you could create a separate chat between just you and another player, this issue would be alleviated (and it would make things a lot neater, to boot. A lot of players in IRC based games enjoy having one chat channel for OOC chatter, and one for roleplay. Currently, a setup like this is impossible with Roll20; all chat goes into the one feed. Implementing my suggestion would allow for the splitting of OOC and IC into separate chat rooms, which I'm sure many groups would appreciate. Because it's 3AM and I like going overboard with my suggestions, I've gone ahead and made a mock-up in case anyone doesn't understand what I mean. This is how I'd see things working, ideally. Just tabs like you'd see in any browser, with dots corresponding to player colours to show who has access to which room. Clicking the cog on a tab would bring up this screen, allowing you to set the details of that particular chat. Pretty simple, not a lot of details are really needed here. Any thoughts? I'd love to see a system like this in Roll20, the lack of the ability to split the chat is one of my biggest issues with the website.