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Roll20 and the Starfinder 2nd Ed playtest, are you going to support this or......


Edited 1719402973
I know Demiplane is doing some things with this (Specifics not announced as of yet, soonish?), but if nothing transfers over we are left with just having to handcraft everything over here and use the PF II character sheet. OR might you just say our newly aquired Demiplane is handling that so we don't have to, that would suck but at least we will know what going on, if anything.... Just over a month away so ya, we need some information on this specifically SOON!! Thanks Tom
Well I got my reply, sort of Nora C.  Roll20 Team Permalink  for 11961669 Quote   Report Tom  said: Are we going to have to use this Pf II sheet for the Starfinder 2nd Ed Playtest just a month away?? Still 0 info on this though Demiplane will have some stuff for use Tom Hey Tom! Sorry for the wait - I wanted to be sure of what I could speak on publicly before giving you a reply. The plan will be to release the sheet through Demiplane first (which you can sign up for updates on  here !), and then we will eventually be rolling out an update to get all of Demiplane sheets working on Roll20's Tabletop. The plans for that are still in the early phases, so it won't be ready in the next month, but rest assured that it is one of our top priorities! Nora

Edited 1720380315
More info on Demiplane after some prodding "Mellie Doucette — Today at 2:10 PM Day one we plan to have: Playtest Rulebook & Character tools Second Contact Playtest module #1 And then a fast-follow (we'll have them up day one if we can, but I can't make a guarantee yet!): The two playtest OP scenarios And then when it releases we'll have the second playtest module as well. Am I to assume that Roll20 will have these as well sooner or later?? Mellie Doucette — Today at 2:10 PM Day one we plan to have: Playtest Rulebook & Character tools Second Contact Playtest module #1" And then a fast-follow (we'll have them up day one if we can, but I can't make a guarantee yet!): The two playtest OP scenarios And then when it releases we'll have the second playtest module as well. Tom
We again seem to be in a state of lack of communication. No sheet development, but they have demiplane, but still no info on how this will interact with the current site. PF2 has been out for 5 years. Will it be another 5 before we have functioning stuff? Just in time for the 3rd edition? I see they are on top of 5E content though.

Edited 1722174003
Sadly I am used to this, but they are a bit better replying from time to time. I am assuming it will be like the scrapped and redoing it again PF II sheet, once it is set in Demiplane then they will look to port it over to Roll20 at a later date.  BUT they also might just not do it for the Playtest version and wait til the official release of SF II next GENCON. They would most def miss out as Foundry, and I beleave Fantasy Grounds as well will carry both the playtest and the official release. Again if a company wants to build a strong base for a new game then it has to start with the basics then carry it from playtest to the offical relace, then follow with most of the content, sadly what SF I was a victim of and in early/mid PF II life to boot. At least we will still have something in Demi for this, then have to handcraft everything over to here, a real pain and as all the playtest products you have to buy, except the CRB Roll20 can at least make some money and gauge the interest in the SF II playtest. It is what it is sadly and all we can do is post about it and hope things will change!!  Hell GENCON is 4 days away and still nothing but the remastered Core Rule Book for PF II remastered is known to be on Roll20.  And no clue if we bought all the other books it will be free again like PC 1... Wait and see then continue posting about how Roll20 is not keeping up with Paizo stuff, thanks for the post and thoughts though,  Just wish more people would post on the forums but its almost like 99% of Roll20 users just don't do so. Ya 5th Ed or shall we now say 5.5 or soon to be, so happy thats not my main game no matter how well supported it is, as a lot of those products can't hold a candle to Paizo stuff!!  :) Tom
almost time, will we see anything for SF II playtest on Roll20 today?? God I hope so, besides the stuff on Demiplane Tom
Yaa, we get A Cosmic Birthday , sort of at least the maps, but you have to buy the Adventure from demi or Paizo then have the free rules download then use the Demi SF II character sheet. VERY happy we got something for the playtest here and its free!! "Play Starfinder Online A Starfinder 2e Playtest Companion This free Roll20 Playset is a  companion  to the complete adventure on  Demiplane . It includes ready-to-play maps and tokens for use with your playtest book. Note:   This playset does not include Starfinder 2e rules or adventure text, which are available and evolving on the Starfinder 2e Demiplane Nexus. For the full experience, you’ll require the following products: A Cosmic Birthday adventure  on Demiplane Starfinder 2e Playtest Rules and Character Sheet  on Demiplane" Thanks Roll20!! Tom :)

Edited 1722599675
What we did not get was The adventure itself for A Cosmic Birthday, but can get it over on Demiplane The Starfinder 2nd Ed character Playtest sheet, also can get it over on Demiplane, this I was more prepared for as this is a newer system than PF II remastered sheet thing "revamping from scratch" Starfinder Playtest Flip Map, BUt 2 of the maps are in the free Cosmic Birthday adventure Starfinder 2nd Ed playtest Scenario Shards of the Glass Planet / Demiplane will have it up a bit later they said Starfinder 2nd Ed playtest Scenario It Came From The Vast /  Demiplane will have it up a bit later they said For the one off scenarios will we get the maps but then have to buy the PDF adventure like A Cosmic Birthday or will we be out of luck??? What do you want to see in Roll20 for the playtest people? Tom
Starfinder 2nd Ed Playtest sheet when please Roll20? Thanks Tom
So, here is an App that lets you roll in Demiplanes sheets and connect them to show up in Roll20 games, so this should help with using the Starfinder 2nd Ed sheet on Demiplane to use it on Roll20 for games!! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Then a short video on it as well <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> None of my players have tried it yep but will shortly, let me know if this works for you and your games, be it SF II Playtest or other systems that do not have a Roll20 sheet but does on Demiplane!! Cheers Stopgap for sure but at least it might be something!! Tom
Nice to see we have the Starfinder 2nd Ed playtest Wheel of Monsters Scenario Maps in Roll20 for free, Adventure text is needed to be bought over at Demiplane or at the Paizo site.&nbsp; Nothing sadly on a character sheet or the other upcoming products but now we have 2 products on Roll20 at least. Tom