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Encounter helper commands not working (list and page list)

I have encounter helper set up as a man named Nick shows on his YouTube video. All the commands have been working fine. Day of the game, the list and page list commands aren't responding. No error codes or anything. Only create encounter works. It all worked fine last night when I got off.
I don't use Encounter Helper myself, but I know one common error with some scripts is requiring you to be on the Active page (the page that the Player Ribbon is on).&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It looks like that may sort of be the case with EH - perhaps you were working on a page that wasn't the Active Page during setup. Try using the '!eh pagelist' command to see if that pulls anything up. Another issue is when the Roll20 Mod sandbox crashes.&nbsp; (The sandbox is where all mod scripts run, separate from the games themselves.).&nbsp; If that happened during your game and you didn't reset the sandbox, then no scripts would work, including EH.&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I recommend keeping the Mod console open in a separate window to check on any crashes if your scripts are running during your game.&nbsp; You can also install the APIHeartbeat &nbsp;mod to have a visual indication in your game if the sandbox crashes.&nbsp; This is also useful in case the sandbox 'silently' crashes and doesn't display an error in the console, but still isn't running.&nbsp;
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If you are running the metascript toolbox, here is a quick command to set the encounter helper page. Select any token on the page and run: !eh setactivepage @(selected.page_id)
Jarren, the !eh create command always works. The !eh list and !eh pagelist commands work sometimes and dont other times. I donno if that is still part of the sandbox crash or not. I will try what you mentioned in next weeks game, or during prep time. keith, I will get that mod in the game and see whats up.