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Friends cant see or hear each other, but can type in chat and move tokens.

So ever since yesterday i've been having issues with roll20. When my friend tries to get on we cant see each other or hear each other, yet we can move tokens and type like normal. When i use the inspect feature it says he is somehow offline, This makes no sense at all since Roll20 doesn't have an offline function.
Same. Log into campaign, nobody can see each other's tokens, no comms, but we're all in our own version of the campaign??
Forum Champion
Hi Aron 2 and Ray C.,  I am guessing you are using Intgrated Voice and Video (rather than WebRTC)? There has been some issues with that recently. The Devs are looking into the problem.  To help the Devs with this please answer the following questions:  Which voice and video option your group is using.  If you are in a Jumpgate or regular Roll20 game.  Which browser you are using. 
Gauss said: Hi Aron 2 and Ray C.,  I am guessing you are using Intgrated Voice and Video (rather than WebRTC)? There has been some issues with that recently. The Devs are looking into the problem.  To help the Devs with this please answer the following questions:  Which voice and video option your group is using.  If you are in a Jumpgate or regular Roll20 game.  Which browser you are using.  Just tested with my main and dummy accounts, cannot see other or hear each other. NOT Jumpgate Integrated Voice and Video Chrome
totally broken this morning.... same issues as described above
Forum Champion
The Devs have pushed another fix . When you get a chance with your group please check to see if there is still an issue. 
Having the same exact issue with myself and four others right now. It doesn't matter if we refresh or reconnect, or even swap browsers; we still can't see or hear each other (or even see the presence of the little avatar windows at the bottom of the screen).

Edited 1719686665
Just started a game 15 min ago and still having the issue. Using Vivaldi. I think I am using WebRTC.
Gauss said: The Devs have pushed another fix . When you get a chance with your group please check to see if there is still an issue.  12:30 pm PST, working for me! ( NOT Jumpgate Integrated Voice and Video Chrome)
Experienced the same problems as many here last night; was unable to (1) see players currently in the game, nor were the players able to see me or other players, (2) get chat to work in any capacity, both Integrated Voice and Video and Legacy ROLL20 chat failed to provide functionality.  Even after hooking up on Discord, we had to cancel the game due to the operation of the VTT.  Various browsers in use, myself using Chrome, others using Firefox, and one using Edge. All equally non-operational.  I can try and report back next week when we try it all again. 
Forum Champion
Eponymous, to is now working correctly? If so..yay! Eponymous said: Gauss said: The Devs have pushed another fix . When you get a chance with your group please check to see if there is still an issue.  12:30 pm PST, working for me! ( NOT Jumpgate Integrated Voice and Video Chrome)
I am having the same problem; no one in our group can see each other, and we can't hear each other. I'm using Firefox, but the group is also using Chrome, and Safari.

Edited 1719704765
Forum Champion
Brian said: I am having the same problem; no one in our group can see each other, and we can't hear each other. I'm using Firefox, but the group is also using Chrome, and Safari. Thank you Brian, passing this along to the Devs. Could you check your console log to see if there is any kinds of errors? Post what you can find there?
Thanks, Gauss. The forum's not letting me post the log, but there are a lot of errors showing up.

Edited 1719705323
Forum Champion
Could you post a screenshot of the log?  Brian said: Thanks, Gauss. The forum's not letting me post the log, but there are a lot of errors showing up.
Hey folks, We are currently looking into this issue. It seems to be affecting non-jumpgate games specifically. We're hoping to have a fix out here shortly!
Any updates? Our group is still unable to play.
This is garbage, that every Friday when we try to game there is no voice. Switching back and forth from Legacy to integrated does nothing, and we are not on jumpstart. 6 days ago, hoping to have a fix out!
Forum Champion
Hi Heath C.,  Is this currently happening? (In the last few minutes.) Heath C. said: This is garbage, that every Friday when we try to game there is no voice. Switching back and forth from Legacy to integrated does nothing, and we are not on jumpstart. 6 days ago, hoping to have a fix out!
We are having the same problem right now.  We closed the game again for the second time (we did it last week as well)  This time, there was a lag between people login up and then showing up.  However, even when they were on, we could only type.  There was no image or sound.  For half of the evening, there was no problem.
Gauss said: Hi Heath C.,  Is this currently happening? (In the last few minutes.) Heath C. said: This is garbage, that every Friday when we try to game there is no voice. Switching back and forth from Legacy to integrated does nothing, and we are not on jumpstart. 6 days ago, hoping to have a fix out! This happened last week (full scale failure), and we had to call this week due to it happening out of the blue after eventually getting everyone in, running for 90 minutes, and losing people at random. 
This has happened again this week for my group as well.  Last week when I filed a support request all I got back was the generic voice and video issues reply.  When I replied back with a link to this thread pointing out this is a roll20 issue, I never got a response back.  Between this and the lack of security with roll20 and it's staff I'm seriously wondering why I pay for this service and if I should just self host a Foundry instance. How do you break what's supposed to be the stable version of your product?  I'm not doing jumpgate since I don't do free testing because I deal with enough of that at work and I get paid for it.  At this point those of us paying customers who have had their games disrupted, as well as personal information compromised, should be due for some refunds.
Hey folks -- We are still tracking this issue and working on a fix. Just to be sure, is the issue that people's nameplates aren't showing up at all (like you don't see their name along the bottom of the screen), or is the issue that they show up but that the Video or Voice Chat isn't connecting correctly?  I think there was some confusion around which issue was happening here or might still be happening. Either way, I'm sorry that you didn't have a great experience in your game last night.
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I had this issue last night. In our case, avatars were showing up, but a Video and Voice connection could not be made. The system has been astoundingly stable for us for years, but we were able to continue on Discord.
To Riley D. Thank you very much for the reply and the statement that you are working on a solution.  The answer to your question (" is the issue that people's nameplates aren't showing up at all (like you don't see their name along the bottom of the screen), or is the issue that they show up but that the Video or Voice Chat isn't connecting correctly") is not a simple one.  It is both.  Sometimes, the people's avatar is missing (is that the correct word?  the box where the person's image and name would appear) and other times it does not appear at all.  In all instances we cannot hear them but they can chat. Two Friday ago (June 28), the problem was simpler and started at the beginning of the evening (from 7pm EST onward).  While I could see myself (as the GM) on screen nobody else was showing.  We realized we were able to chat with each other but voice and image was not working and the presence of the other players did not register at all.  This was happening on two different computers with two different configurations and two different browsers.  My son logged on from another room on his account and confirmed that while he was in the game and could read the chat he did not see any name plates and could not hear anything (or speak through the game).  We logged off.  We were informed (in this thread I think) that a patch had been applied and we logged on again on Wednesday July 3 to try it out again.  It seemed to be working fine. The game of Friday July 5 started fine.  We could see each other and speak to each other.  At some point, I heard one of the players say "I cannot see or hear them anymore" at which point the same problem as the week before returned with some differences.  Nobody could speak or be seen even if the box with the name was present.  For some players, they could not see any names or boxes, only chat.  Other players were able to see some people but not others.  My son tried to log on again from his own computer on his own account and we realized that there was a massive lag problem.  People could chat (there seemed to be no lag with chat) but the boxes with the image and the names would not show up.  Some people would show up after a delay but even then, the image or the sound would never come up.  The chat was always fine though. I am not a computer technician or expert (nor have I played one on television isn't that how the joke goes?) but I have played enough games online to think that this seems to be lag related.  I find it interesting as well that this is taking place on Friday evenings which I assume are busy?   Now, on a more personal note.  This is very frustrating.  It certainly pushes any intentions I had to get a full account away.  Also, it makes me rethink any purchases I was going to make in the marketplace because I am looking for a replacement for Roll20.  This is the most disappointing part.  I went through a lot of efforts to figure out how to use it properly, how to draw maps and import them in the game, how to import the character sheets, and even how to handle macros for the more strange die rolls.  This seems to be all waster efforts. I hope this helps you resolve the issue. Daniel Poulin
Okay, thanks for the detailed response! We are pushing out some new code on Monday that I think will help with part of this. I will update this thread when we do so. If anyone else comes across this thread today (Saturday) and has any issues with the nameplates not showing at all please let us know.
Been having this issue all week regardless of using Chrome or Edge.  Filed a help ticket and got the typical 'Your request has been resolved' response even though the request hasn't been resolved.  Group is at the end of a 15 month campaign and this has ruined the climax.  We were forced to use Discord as an alternative but it is not the same.  So to sum up these last few weeks as a Pro subscriber:  1) Roll20 gets compromised and data is released. 2) NPC tokens dragged from the Compendium are not linking to the stats blocks (HP, Speed, AC) 3) The audio chat doesn't work regardless of whether beta is marked or using legacy or in-game audio or pretty much every other trick that the Devs recommend - basically ruining our sessions Makes me wonder if Roll20 ever really gained control back of their servers.
Yes, was experiencing it Friday evening and during the multiple reboots, refreshes and restarted jumped into the forum to post. It was flaky with multiple alternate realities where 2 players could see each others avatars in the bottom and chat to each other, but the dm and 2 other players were all alone seeing only their own avatars  they someone would pop in, voice would work and then they pop out and it’s gone again. Yet through it all we were all on the same text chat trying to encourage each other not to just give up  gaming is my relaxation and this stuff used to just work, and now, more often than not, it just doesn’t work. Tell the debs to spend a week preparing for a session and then have them log on and feel the frustration of a wasted prep. None of my players are changing their hardware/software and it worked until 33 weeks ago, and now I have players who are ready to quit and go elsewhere since they want to play, not mess with software and frustrations .  thanks! Gauss said: Hi Heath C.,  Is this currently happening? (In the last few minutes.) Heath C. said: This is garbage, that every Friday when we try to game there is no voice. Switching back and forth from Legacy to integrated does nothing, and we are not on jumpstart. 6 days ago, hoping to have a fix out!
Is there an update for the "new code" referred to earlier?  I am trying to determine whether it is worth setting up a game again. Daniel P.
Hey there -- we pushed the new code fix out about 3 hours ago. Let us know if that helped!
Thank you for the update.  I have scheduled a game for this Friday and my hope is that we can go through the evening this time. Daniel P
We just started and it seems to be working so far.  Daniel P
So, it is not really working. We can see everybody's Avatar (is that the term?  I do not really know, it is the little box with the name and the image).  We can hear some and not others.  I try logging on as a player and I could see the ones I could not hear before but I had lost the others.  We cancelled tonight again, for the third time. Daniel P
This is happening in my session right now. No voice chat, but other Roll20 sounds work fine.
Our group too was in three dimensions. Two players could hear each other but no one else, two players could not hear anyone. At this point, Roll20 should just give up on chat and recommend Discord ... if you play on Fridays. Worked flawlessly on Thursday game.
Mr. DM said: 2) NPC tokens dragged from the Compendium are not linking to the stats blocks (HP, Speed, AC) Daniel, on this one. Are you the creator of the game, or added as a GM. I have just run into this situation. I created the game and I can drag from Compedium and they are linked, but if the GM I've assigned does the drag, they are not linked.
Hey everyone! We are currently looking into this to find a solution. Our investigation is showing that there is an unusually high amount of traffic which is impacting connections. We are working towards a solution as fast as we can. Very sorry for the trouble on this!
Hey folks (and Riley) Thank you for responding. Bookmarking this thread and also bumping to let you know Nameplates work! Yay! (these weren't working a few weeks) Video does not work - I can log in and turn on my video but cannot see the video of my fellow players. They all report the same. Other details I am using firefox, browsers among the others are mixed (Chrome) We tried the usual restarting, reconnecting, etc We are not using Jumpgate Integrating voice not legacy RTC
I will try again next Friday (we had to cancel three times already, this will be the fourth session).  I hope it works this time.   Daniel P
We had a game yesterday evening (July 19, 2024) and it went without a problem.  It made me smile because the news were all about technical issues around the world but Roll20 worked without a problem.  Let's hope it continues well next week.  Thank you for the assistance. Daniel P
I'm a Plus member, been on R20 for a long time. I had been on hiatus but resumed running my existing campaign on July 28th. I had planned to run video through Roll20, with audio on Discord (I've given up on R20 audio years ago). I like my video in the R20 window so all participants only need the R20 window maximized on their monitor. Anyway, because we hadn't played for a while I just expected everything to work fine. Ha ha, joke was on me. I could see my own video, but no one else's. Turned out none of us could see each other's video. After wasting a few minutes we shut down R20 video and moved that to Discord as well. Honestly I don't know why I'm surprised, but this junk really has been going on for years. Lest you think it was fixed (since the last post in this thread was dated July 20th), it wasn't working for us on July 28th. Can't believe we'll need to lean on Discord again. Anyway, not that it should matter at this point, but I'm using Chrome, I don't have a clue what Jumpgate is, and at the moment my settings for audio and video are turned off so I don't remember what they were set to at the time. Our next game is in two weeks. I hope R20 will be working for us then.
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Our group has also been plagued with bad V&V connectivity after years of virtually flawless performance. This does not seem to be widespread, though. Or rather, the specific problems that people report do not seem to be the same.

Edited 1723925464
Had to move audio/video to discord as this issue is still not resolved.  Have the Devs made any headway on getting this fixed?  I would like to go back to only having to use one software to play games.  This was as of last night that the issue is still not fixed.
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Last weekend's game ran  flawlessly, but we had this connectivity problem again last night. Devs did some back end work on the system this morning. I was able to connect fine with one of my players who was having an issue last night, no problems. I hope these fixes last until my next game. We actually had to cancel last night, since we had technical difficulties with Discord as well.