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Macro Selected Token

This might be a really simple question, but I'm GMing a Savage Worlds campaign. Is it possible to set up a macro to make a check based on the selected token? So, roll Notice for whoever is selected, or roll an attack? If the token has multiple attacks, would it default to the first, or can you set up a prompt to ask which one? Or, am I expecting too much?
Yes.  An Attribute has several parts. Using "@{CHARACTERANME|ATTRIBUTENAME|MAX} as an example: @{  < - this tells Roll20 to look for an attribute CHARACTERNAME  is the reference for which character sheet to pull the information from.  It can be replaced by "selected" to use the linked sheet from a selected token, or "target" to use the linked sheet from a targeted token. If you use 'target', then you can use an additional optional section with another vertical pipe to identify the target such as @{target|target1|Skill} or @{target|target1|Skill|max}. If the attribute call is on the character sheet itself, then this is optional. |  <- this separates the character reference from the attribute name ATTRIBUTENAME  is the exact name of the attribuete you want to pull from the character sheet |MAX  <- this is optional, and will pull data from the 'max' field of the chosen attribute }  <- this closes the attribute call An Ability  or Roll call is very similar, but is called with a % instead of @. So if the roll command is ' Notice', then you would call it with: %{CHARACTERNAME|Notice} Abilities can also be put into chat buttons: [Click to Roll for 'Notice'](~CHARACTERNAME|Notice) You can see there is a slight difference for creating "Ability Command Buttons" - you remove the opening and closing braces, and replace the % with a ~. If a character  has multiple attacks, then they are likely in a 'repeating section' which is called slightly differently. That looks something like this: %{CHARACTERNAME|rep eating_ attackaction _$0_ attack } In this case, ' attackaction ' and ' attack ' are not standard between all sheets.  The person who developed the sheet chose whatever names they wanted to use for those repeating sections and so you need to inspect the sheet code itself to find out what those names are. Each sheet will have unique names. The $0 refers to the repeating number - the first attack listed in a section is $0, then $1, etc.
Thanks for the detailed response. That was super helpful. Thank you. I know what I will be doing tonight.
Follow up. This worked really well and was exactly what I needed! Thanks.