Hultz (Keeper of Secrets) said: Is there any way to use these animated tokens with the SpawnDefaultToken API script? I've been using this as an example for my token creation and I don't think animations have ever worked. Is this spawndefaulttoken script better? Looking forward to using animated tokens one day. if (msg.content.indexOf("!darkness")==0) { createObj("graphic",{ left:tok.get("left")+70, top:tok.get("top"), height:420, width:420, pageid:tok.get("pageid"), layer:"objects", imgsrc:"<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>", name:tok.get("name") + "Darkness", aura1_radius:0, aura1_color:"#ff9900", controlledby:playerlist, showplayers_aura1:true }); spawnFx(tok.get("left")+70,tok.get("top"),"burst-smoke",tok.get("pageid")); }