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Script that links doors (lighting object) to doors (map token)?

Its pretty self explanatory, but an issue I've been seeing now that I've found out how to use dynamic lighting is doors. I can place a token for whatever door I'm using, and a separate door on the lighting layer, but those two don't interact. So even if the door is opened by a player or otherwise, the token that represents the door is still there, and for some reason that annoys me a lot. Is there a script that could link the two objects across layers so that when the lighting door opens, the map door is moved to the GM layer, or off screen? My first thought was using the RTM script, but A. things cant be linked across layers and B. the lighting door cant be linked to anything. My next thought was using TokenController to set up a path for the map door to slide open when the lighting door is opened, and vice versa, but I think TokenController needs to be manually activated. Any help is appreciated (also sorry for not responding to anything on my last forum post)
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Hi Thyvenom! There is a very old script called "Matt's Doors" that does something along these lines, but it long pre-dates the door feature. It instead works with regular dynamic lighting lines for doors. If it's not available through One-Click install, you will probably need to google search for it.
This is exactly what I was looking for! I'll spend some time soon getting to understand and set it up better, but it looks promising. This leads me to a follow up (or technically the line of thinking that sparked the initial question), is there a way to make a token invisible to some players while visible to others? Starfinder has a spell called Selective Invisibility that does just that, so I was looking for a way to do a reveal where the players open a door and one of them sees a huge monster just behind it, while the other players don't see anything. I understand this one is WAY more of an ask, but I'm a sucker for game moments that mess with my players
Thyvenom said: is there a way to make a token invisible to some players while visible to others? Starfinder has a spell called Selective Invisibility that does just that, so I was looking for a way to do a reveal where the players open a door and one of them sees a huge monster just behind it, while the other players don't see anything. I understand this one is WAY more of an ask, but I'm a sucker for game moments that mess with my players There are two ways to do what you're looking for but neither is exactly what you're looking for: 1. You can use an invisible .png token that is set to only be controlled by the player who can see it, and set the aura to 'Edit'.  Only that player will see the aura, but they won't see an actual token image. 2. You can split the party to two identical pages: one that has the token the player can see, and the other that does not.  You can use the Twins script to keep tokens synced between the two pages. There will be some possible discrepancies between the pages, such as the Turn Tracker (players only see items on the turn tracker that are on the Objects layer of the page they are on; the GM sees everything) and Token Pings (pings will only be visible from the same page).
That second one is probably my best bet, unless there's a way to texture auras. I'll save it for a big reveal though, because its more work than I expected to set up. Thank you both for the help though! (and if there is a way to texture auras, that would be good to know about aswell)