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RecursiveTables Request New Option to deal with /desc command

API Scripter
First of all your script is great, although it looks you cannot remove the 'who' when messages are sent using the command; when you use the following command: !rt /desc [[1t[description-text]]] You get the following result in chat if you have selected 'Bandit' as who to speak as, which isn't exactly immersive. I had considered adding a fancy table or rendered Bandit description goes here I did a hack for my game where I changed the following to 'make it work'; but is not ideal. sendChat(msg.who||'[BLANK]',msg.content);   to    sendChat(' ',msg.content); Is there a possibility of putting a new option in e.g. !rt[desc:on] so if this is selected the result is returned without the msg.who to deal with random description messages.

Edited 1724420343
API Scripter
OK, I have edited the script to handle the new option, feel free to use it if you are having the same issue: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
API Scripter
Was there supposed to be an image in your first post? (You can't just paste a picture in... you have to use the image tool on the post control bar and insert it... then we'll be able to see what was immersive-breaking about the output.)
API Scripter
No, there was no image used. As mentioned designed a workaround though. May post an image of it working before and after when I am at my computer though :)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Ok, I've pulled that change into the mainline.&nbsp; Thanks for the contribution, you'll see it live in v0.2.6!