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stat depending on a race

Good morning, I'm looking to use java to determine characteristics based on a distinct breed. It does not work. <select style="width: 140px;" name="attr_Race" title="Race"> <option disabled value>-- Humain --</option> <option value="1">Citadin</option> <option value="2">Tribut des steppes</option> <option value="3">Guerrier du Nord</option> <option value="4">Noble</option> <option value="5">Sans particularité</option> <option disabled value>-- Elfe --</option> <option value="6">Haut elfe</option> <option value="7">Demi-elfe</option> <option value="8">Elfe noir</option> <option value="9">Elfe des bois</option> <option disabled value>-- Thérianthrope --</option> <option value="10">Canidé</option> <option value="11">Félin</option> <option value="12">Oursidé</option> <option disabled value>-- Nain -</option> <option value="13">Nain</option> <option disabled value>-- Hobbit --</option> <option value="14">Hobbit</option> <option disabled value>-- Pnj --</option> <option value="15">non-jouable</option> <option value="16">Lotus</option> </select> <div>stat <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FO" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_EN" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AG" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RA" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PE" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VO" readonly="readonly"> </div> <script type="text/worker"> const race = ["Race"]; on(`change:${race}`, () => { getAttrs([race], values => { const baserace = int(values[race]); //console.log(baserace); let setFO = 10; let setEN = 10; let setAG = 10; let setRA = 10; let setPE = 10; let setVO = 10; else if (baserace === 1) {setAttrs({[`${FO}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${EN}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${AG}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${RA}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${PE}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${VO}`]: "10"});} else if (baserace === 2) {setAttrs({[`${FO}`]: "11"}); setAttrs({[`${EN}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${AG}`]: "11"}); setAttrs({[`${RA}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${PE}`]: "8"}); setAttrs({[`${VO}`]: "10"});} }); }); </script>

Edited 1720835166
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Firstly java and havascript are two different languages and (irritatingly) are not related. You are looking to use javascript. - that is the language that sheet workers are written in. There are several issues with your worker. I'll skip the efficency suggestions for now, and focus on the worker-breaking things. There's more than one. You start with this: const race = ["Race"]; You then have this: getAttrs([race], values => { When we insert that race variable, we get this: getAttrs([["Race"]], values => { That is not what you want. You probably want to use this instead: getAttrs(race, values => { Likewise you later have this: const baserace = int(values[race]); Again when we insert the race array, we get const baserace = int(values[["Race"]]); Which will give an error. You either need to change that first race array to a string, not an array (get rid of the [ ] symbols), or find a way to just get the first item here, like const baserace = int(values[race[0]]); You have the same error on the event line: on(`change:${race}`, () => { That becomes on(`change:["Race"]`, () => { Which you don't want. Those are related, but this is a different error: else if (baserace === 1) {setAttrs({[`${FO}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${EN}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${AG}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${RA}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${PE}`]: "10"}); setAttrs({[`${VO}`]: "10"});} else if (baserace === 2) {setAttrs({[`${FO}`]: "11"}); The error here:, there's no if to start things. You probably want to remove that first else . Personally, I'd have the { and } on their own lines, alone, so you can see more easily what is in the if branches.

Edited 1720837034
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Here's how I'd rewrite it, if I was keeping the race as a constant at the start. Note that just changing it from an array to a string fixes many issues. const race = "race"; on(`change:${race}`, () => { getAttrs([race], values => { const baserace = int(values[race]); //console.log(baserace); const stats = { FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 10, VO: 10, }; if (baserace === 2) { stats.FO = 11; stats.AG = 11; stats.PE = 8; } setAttrs(stats); }); }); Notice I changed "Race" to "race" - the first line of any sheet worker MUST be in lower case, regardless of what it is in the HTML. For the getAttrs line following, you can use any case ("Race" and "rAcE" are both valid), because they do not care what case the HTML uses.

Edited 1720851488
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Note that you could change this so race actually uses the name and not a numeric value, so the select looks like this: <select style="width: 140px;" name="attr_Race" title="Race"> <option disabled>-- Human --</option> <option>Citadin</option> <option >Tribut des steppes</option> <option >Guerrier du Nord</option> <option >Noble</option> <option >Sans particularité</option> <option disabled>-- Elfe --</option> <option >Haut elfe</option> <option >Demi-elfe</option> <option >Elfe noir</option> <option >Elfe des bois</option> <option disabled>-- Thérianthrope --</option> <option >Canidé</option> <option >Félin</option> <option >Oursidé</option> <option disabled >-- Nain -</option> <option >Nain</option> <option disabled >-- Hobbit --</option> <option >Hobbit</option> <option disabled>-- Pnj --</option> <option >non-jouable</option> <option >Lotus</option> </select> Then the sheet worker would look like this: const race = "race"; on(`change:${race}`, () => { getAttrs([race], values => { const base_race = values[race]; //console.log(baserace); const stats = { Citadin: {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "Tribut des steppes": {FO: 11, EN: 10, AG: 11, RA: 10, PE: 8, VO: 10}, /* add more races here */ }; const chosen_race = Object.keys(stats).includes(base_race) ? stats[base_race] : stats.Citaden; setAttrs(chosen_race); }); }); Here the stats attribute is a table of stat entries, and you select which one to use with stats[base_race] This line here is a ternary operator: const chosen_race = Object.keys(stats).includes(base_race) ? stats[base_race] : stats.Citaden; The first part checks if the chosen base_race exists in the table of race values. If it does, it grabs the values from the table; if it doesn't, it grabs the default values from Citadin. This avoids a crashing error, and is important because it's possible to choose races that don't exist in the stats object. You can now add race stats easily. Just make sure that you start with a valid race name, and if it includes anything other than letters (like spaces or hyphens), enlose it in quotes.

Edited 1720833922
Sheet Author
API Scripter
On the subject of efficiency, I would rewrite this part of your HTML: <div>stat <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FO" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_EN" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AG" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RA" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PE" readonly="readonly"> <input type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VO" readonly="readonly"> </div> So that it looks like this: <div> <span class="statheader">Stat:</span> <input type="text" class="statwidth" name="attr_FO" readonly> <input type="text" class="statwidth" name="attr_EN" readonly> <input type="text" class="statwidth" name="attr_AG" readonly> <input type="text" class="statwidth" name="attr_RA" readonly> <input type="text" class="statwidth" name="attr_PE" readonly> <input type="text" class="statwidth" name="attr_VO" readonly> </div> And in your CSS page create something like: statwidth = { width:45px; } statheader = { font-weight: bold; } That means you can change the width of all stat entries by changing just ine value, and you can also change the styling of your stat heading easily. You also don't need to write readonly="readonly" , you can just write readonly and get the same effect. In fact, anything typed after an = is ignored.

Edited 1720834500
Sheet Author
API Scripter
By the way, you don't need to do this: const race = "race"; on(`change:${race}`, () => { getAttrs([race], values => { const baserace = values[race]; You could do: on('change:race', () => { getAttrs(['race'], values => { const baserace = values.race; If the HTML is never going to change, the race attribute doesn't need to be in a variable. But if you do think you might change that attrbute name later, the first way is better.
thank you. input was here just for my test. i have not make the CSS files. i just try for test. first try with java... i have read carefuly that you say. Thank you very mutch.
i have one more question. can make a calcul with this option? i try to but finaly that no works. i use for that two script. one for choose the race, thanks to you it works well, but the second not.  <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <!-- Caractéristique --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div style="display:table;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">   Carac    </div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Base</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Magie</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Bonus</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Total</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Modif</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Points</div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">FO<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;" style="width:45px;">Force</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FO" title="FO de base" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie FO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FObonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus FO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOtotal" value="@{FO}+@{FOmagie}+@{FObonus}" title="FO total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux FO" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOpoint" value="0" title="Point xp FO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testFO" title="Test de Force" value="Test de Force de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{FOtotal})[Force total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">EN<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Endurance</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_EN" title="EN de base" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie EN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus EN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENtotal" value="@{EN}+@{ENmagie}+@{ENbonus}" title="EN total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux EN" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENpoint" value="0" title="Point xp EN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testEN" title="Test d'Endurance" value="Test d'Endurance de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{ENtotal})[Endurance total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">AG<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Agilité</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AG" title="AG de base" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie AG" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus AG" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGtotal" value="@{AG}+@{AGmagie}+@{AGbonus}" title="AG total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux AG" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGpoint" value="0" title="Point xp AG" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testAG" title="Test d'Agilité" value="Test d'Agilité de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{AGtotal})[Agilité total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">RA<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Rapidité</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RA" title="RA de base" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie RA" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus RA" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAtotal" value="@{RA}+@{RAmagie}+@{RAbonus}" title="RA total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux RA" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RApoint" value="0" title="Point xp RA" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testRA" title="Test de Rapidité" value="Test de Rapidité de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{RAtotal})[Rapidité total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">PE<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Perception</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PE" title="PE de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie PE" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus PE" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEtotal" value="@{PE}+@{PEmagie}+@{PEbonus}" title="PE total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux PE" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEpoint" value="0" title="Point xp PE" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testPE" title="Test de Perception" value="Test de Perception de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{PEtotal})[Perception total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">VO<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Volonté</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VO" title="VO de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie VO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VObonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus VO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOtotal" value="@{VO}+@{VOmagie}+@{VObonus}" title="VO total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux VO" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOpoint" value="0" title="Point xp VO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testVO" title="Test de Volonté" value="Test de Volonté de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{VOtotal})[Volonté total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <select class="sheet-info-perso" style="width: 140px;" name="attr_Race" title="Race"> <option disabled value>-- Humain --</option> <option value="HC">Citadin</option> <option value="HTS">Tribut des steppes</option> <option value="HGN">Guerrier du Nord</option> <option value="HN">Noble</option> <option value="H" selected>Sans particularité</option> <option disabled value>-- Elfe --</option> <option value="EHE">Haut elfe</option> <option value="EDE">Demi-elfe</option> <option value="EN">Elfe noir</option> <option value="EB">Elfe des bois</option> <option disabled value>-- Thérianthrope --</option> <option value="TC">Canidé</option> <option value="TF">Félin</option> <option value="TO">Oursidé</option> <option disabled value>-- Nain -</option> <option value="N">Nain</option> <option disabled value>-- Hobbit --</option> <option value="Ho">Hobbit</option> <option disabled value>-- Pnj --</option> <option value="Pnj">non-jouable</option> <option value="Lotus">Lotus</option> </select> <script type="text/worker"> const race = "Race"; on(`change:${race}`, () => { getAttrs([race], values => { const base_race = values[race]; //console.log(baserace); const statsrace = { "HC": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 11, VO: 11}, "HTS": {FO: 11, EN: 10, AG: 11, RA: 11, PE: 10, VO: 9}, "HGN": {FO: 12, EN: 12, AG: 9, RA: 9, PE: 10, VO: 8}, "HN": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 12, PE: 10, VO: 12}, "H": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "EHE": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 12, PE: 12, VO: 14}, "EDE": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 12, VO: 12}, "EN": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 14, PE: 12, VO: 10}, "EB": {FO: 12, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 12, PE: 12, VO: 10}, "TC": {FO: 12, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 10, PE: 12, VO: 10}, "TF": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 14, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "TO": {FO: 16, EN: 14, AG: 8, RA: 8, PE: 10, VO: 8}, "N": {FO: 10, EN: 14, AG: 10, RA: 8, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "Ho": {FO: 8, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 14, PE: 12, VO: 12}, "Pnj": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "Lotus": {FO: 12, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 16, PE: 12, VO: 12}, /* add more races here */ }; const chosen_race = Object.keys(statsrace).includes(base_race) ? statsrace[base_race] : statsrace.H; setAttrs(chosen_race); }); }); </script> <script type="text/worker"> const stats = ["FOtotal", "ENtotal", "AGtotal", "RAtotal", "PEtotal", "VOtotal"]; stats.forEach(stat => { on(`change:${stat}`, () => { getAttrs([stat], values => { const stat_base = int (values[stat]); const stat_base = values[stat]; //console.log(stat_base); let stat_mod = 0; if (stat_base >= 31) stat_mod = "50"; else if (stat_base >= 29) stat_mod = "45"; else if (stat_base >= 27) stat_mod = "40"; else if (stat_base >= 25) stat_mod = "35"; else if (stat_base >= 23) stat_mod = "30"; else if (stat_base >= 21) stat_mod = "25"; else if (stat_base >= 19) stat_mod = "20"; else if (stat_base >= 17) stat_mod = "15"; else if (stat_base >= 15) stat_mod = "10"; else if (stat_base >= 13) stat_mod = "5"; else if (stat_base >= 9) stat_mod = "0"; else if (stat_base >= 7) stat_mod = "-5"; else if (stat_base >= 5) stat_mod = "-10"; else if (stat_base >= 3) stat_mod = "-15"; else if (stat_base >= 1) stat_mod = "-20"; setAttrs({ [`${stat}_mod`]: stat_mod }); }); }); }); </script>

Edited 1720907667
Sheet Author
API Scripter
In the second sheet worker, you have this variable being declared twice: const stat_base = int (values[stat]); const stat_base = values[stat]; That wll cause the sheet worker to fail. My guess is, you want neither of them. It should be const stat_base = parseInt(values[stat]) || 0; This is because the first calls an int function, butt that function doesn;t exist. Also for efficienccy, you should remove this in the centre: </script> <script type="text/worker"> All your sheet wortkers go in one script block. They wil work in separate script blocks, but they are better in just one.
i try that thank you.
that doen't work. i mean the second script for "modif" don't read the "input"
the script: <script type="text/worker"> const race = "Race"; on(`change:${race}`, () => { getAttrs([race], values => { const base_race = values[race]; //console.log(baserace); const statsrace = { HC: {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 11, VO: 11}, "HTS": {FO: 11, EN: 10, AG: 11, RA: 11, PE: 10, VO: 9}, "HGN": {FO: 12, EN: 12, AG: 9, RA: 9, PE: 10, VO: 8}, "HN": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 12, PE: 10, VO: 12}, "H": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "EHE": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 12, PE: 12, VO: 14}, "EDE": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 12, VO: 12}, "EN": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 14, PE: 12, VO: 10}, "EB": {FO: 12, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 12, PE: 12, VO: 10}, "TC": {FO: 12, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 10, PE: 12, VO: 10}, "TF": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 14, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "TO": {FO: 16, EN: 14, AG: 8, RA: 8, PE: 10, VO: 8}, "N": {FO: 10, EN: 14, AG: 10, RA: 8, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "Ho": {FO: 8, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 14, PE: 12, VO: 12}, "Pnj": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "Lotus": {FO: 12, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 16, PE: 12, VO: 12}, /* add more races here */ }; const chosen_race = Object.keys(statsrace).includes(base_race) ? statsrace[base_race] : statsrace.HC; setAttrs(chosen_race); }); }); const stats = ["FOtotal", "ENtotal", "AGtotal", "RAtotal", "PEtotal", "VOtotal"]; stats.forEach(stat => { on(`change:${stat}`, () => { getAttrs([stat], values => { const stat_base = parseInt(values[stat]) || 0; //console.log(stat_base); let stat_mod = 0; if (stat_base >= 31) stat_mod = "50"; else if (stat_base >= 29) stat_mod = "45"; else if (stat_base >= 27) stat_mod = "40"; else if (stat_base >= 25) stat_mod = "35"; else if (stat_base >= 23) stat_mod = "30"; else if (stat_base >= 21) stat_mod = "25"; else if (stat_base >= 19) stat_mod = "20"; else if (stat_base >= 17) stat_mod = "15"; else if (stat_base >= 15) stat_mod = "10"; else if (stat_base >= 13) stat_mod = "5"; else if (stat_base >= 9) stat_mod = "0"; else if (stat_base >= 7) stat_mod = "-5"; else if (stat_base >= 5) stat_mod = "-10"; else if (stat_base >= 3) stat_mod = "-15"; else if (stat_base >= 1) stat_mod = "-20"; setAttrs({ [`${stat}_mod`]: stat_mod }); }); }); }); </script> the html code: <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <!-- Caractéristique --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div style="display:table;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">   Carac    </div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Base</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Magie</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Bonus</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Total</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Modif</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Points</div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">FO<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;" style="width:45px;">Force</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FO" title="FO de base" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie FO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FObonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus FO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOtotal" value="@{FO}+@{FOmagie}+@{FObonus}" title="FO total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux FO" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOpoint" value="0" title="Point xp FO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testFO" title="Test de Force" value="Test de Force de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{FOtotal})[Force total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">EN<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Endurance</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_EN" title="EN de base" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie EN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus EN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENtotal" value="@{EN}+@{ENmagie}+@{ENbonus}" title="EN total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux EN" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENpoint" value="0" title="Point xp EN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testEN" title="Test d'Endurance" value="Test d'Endurance de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{ENtotal})[Endurance total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">AG<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Agilité</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AG" title="AG de base" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie AG" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus AG" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGtotal" value="@{AG}+@{AGmagie}+@{AGbonus}" title="AG total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux AG" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGpoint" value="0" title="Point xp AG" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testAG" title="Test d'Agilité" value="Test d'Agilité de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{AGtotal})[Agilité total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">RA<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Rapidité</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RA" title="RA de base" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie RA" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus RA" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAtotal" value="@{RA}+@{RAmagie}+@{RAbonus}" title="RA total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux RA" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RApoint" value="0" title="Point xp RA" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testRA" title="Test de Rapidité" value="Test de Rapidité de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{RAtotal})[Rapidité total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">PE<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Perception</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PE" title="PE de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie PE" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus PE" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEtotal" value="@{PE}+@{PEmagie}+@{PEbonus}" title="PE total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux PE" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEpoint" value="0" title="Point xp PE" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testPE" title="Test de Perception" value="Test de Perception de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{PEtotal})[Perception total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">VO<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Volonté</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VO" title="VO de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie VO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VObonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus VO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="text" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOtotal" value="@{VO}+@{VOmagie}+@{VObonus}" title="VO total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux VO" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOpoint" value="0" title="Point xp VO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testVO" title="Test de Volonté" value="Test de Volonté de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{VOtotal})[Volonté total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> the select for choose race: <select style="width: 140px;" name="attr_Race" title="Race"> <option disabled value>-- Humain --</option> <option value="HC">Citadin</option> <option value="HTS">Tribut des steppes</option> <option value="HGN">Guerrier du Nord</option> <option value="HN">Noble</option> <option value="H">Sans particularité</option> <option disabled value>-- Elfe --</option> <option value="EHE">Haut elfe</option> <option value="EDE">Demi-elfe</option> <option value="EN">Elfe noir</option> <option value="EB">Elfe des bois</option> <option disabled value>-- Thérianthrope --</option> <option value="TC">Canidé</option> <option value="TF">Félin</option> <option value="TO">Oursidé</option> <option disabled value>-- Nain -</option> <option value="N">Nain</option> <option disabled value>-- Hobbit --</option> <option value="Ho">Hobbit</option> <option disabled value>-- Pnj --</option> <option value="Pnj">non-jouable</option> <option value="Lotus">Lotus</option> </select>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Can you say what part isn't working, and what it's doing?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
By the way, you want to change these to entirely lower case: const race = "race"; const stats = ["FOtotal", "ENtotal", "AGtotal", "RAtotal", "PEtotal", "VOtotal"]; stats.forEach(stat => { on(`change:${stat.toLowerCase()}`, () => { If your workers aren't being triggered, this is the reason why.
sorry I explained myself badly. in the "characteristic" part, there is a "Modify" column in the table which depends on the total value of an attribute plus bonuses. with the "select" and your advice, it gives me a good value plus the bonuses whose total is in the total part, but the script which takes in "total" does not work and always leaves the value 0. As if he didn't see the result. in the script according to a race, it must give me a value for example: FO. This value plus bonuses must give a total, and this total thanks to another script must give me a value which depends on condition.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm not following. Is it the values in the modif column are not being calculated? I don't see from your post how they are calculated.
wait, i explain you with screen.
ex: when you choose "citadin" race you hace a "FO" give by the first script.  you add to this value a miscellaneous bonus, a magic bonus, and this gives you a Total called "FOtotal". this value is taken by the second script to compare it and return other data between "-20 and +50".
the systeme use D100.  But the second script always returns a value of "0". Which makes me think that he either "does not understand" or "does not see" the FOtotal value or others of the same kind.
in the party of list attibut, i see no the attr FOtotal, ENtotal, ... but in the input i have a value. Maybe is that the pb.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You are going to have to post the code you are using.
html code <!-- version 1.0 FR --> <!-- Danmachi powererd by Capitaine Red --> <div class="sheet-FondPrinicpale"> <!-- debut FondPrincipale --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-descrip"><!-- debut descrption --> <div style="display:table;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-Zones">Description</div> </div> </div> <div style="display: table-row;">   </div> </div> <div style="display:table;"> <!-- ligne 1 --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 50px;">Nom</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="text" class="sheet-info-perso" name="attr_character_name" title="Nom du personnage" style="width: 120px;"> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 80px;">Prénom</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="text" class="sheet-info-perso" name="attr_Prenom" title="Prénom du personnage" style="width: 120px;" > </div> </div> </div> <div style="display:table;"> <!-- ligne 2 --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 60px;">Mâle</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="checkbox" name="attr_GenreM" title="Personnage Masculin" value="2" checked> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 60px;">Femelle</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="checkbox" name="attr_GenreF" title="Personnage Féminin" value="2"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display:table;"> <!-- ligne 3 --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 50px;">Race</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <select class="sheet-info-perso" style="width: 140px;" name="attr_Race" title="Race"> <option disabled value>-- Humain --</option> <option value="HC">Citadin</option> <option value="HTS">Tribut des steppes</option> <option value="HGN">Guerrier du Nord</option> <option value="HN">Noble</option> <option value="H">Sans particularité</option> <option disabled value>-- Elfe --</option> <option value="EHE">Haut elfe</option> <option value="EDE">Demi-elfe</option> <option value="EN">Elfe noir</option> <option value="EB">Elfe des bois</option> <option disabled value>-- Thérianthrope --</option> <option value="TC">Canidé</option> <option value="TF">Félin</option> <option value="TO">Oursidé</option> <option disabled value>-- Nain -</option> <option value="N">Nain</option> <option disabled value>-- Hobbit --</option> <option value="Ho">Hobbit</option> <option disabled value>-- Pnj --</option> <option value="Pnj">non-jouable</option> <option value="Lotus">Lotus</option> </select> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 80px;">Familia</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <select class="sheet-info-perso" style="width: 100px;" name="attr_Familia" title="Familia"> <option value="Membre" selected>Membre</option> <option value="Non membre">Non membre</option> <option value="Rejeté">Rejeté</option> <option value="Civil">Civil</option> </select> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display:table;"> <!-- ligne 4 --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 140px;">Nom de la Familia</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="text" class="sheet-info-perso" name="attr_NomFamilia" title="Nom de la familia" style="width: 234px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display:table;"> <!-- ligne 5 --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 60px;">Taille</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="text" class="sheet-info-perso" name="attr_Taille" title="Taille" style="width: 55px;"> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 60px;">Poids</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="text" class="sheet-info-perso" name="attr_Poids" title="Poids" style="width: 55px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display:table;"> <!-- ligne 6 --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 55px;">Age</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="text" class="sheet-info-perso" name="attr_age" title="Age" style="width: 85px;"> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 85px;">Type d'âge</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <select class="sheet-info-perso" style="width: 149px;" name="attr_categorieAge" title="Catégorie d'âges"> <option value="-6">enfant</option> <option value="-2">Adolescent</option> <option value="0" selected>Age mur</option> <option value="-2">Vieux</option> <option value="-4">Trés vieux</option> </select> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display:table;"> <!-- ligne 7 --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 50px;">Yeux</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="text" class="sheet-info-perso" name="attr_eyes" title="Couleur des yeux" style="width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-personnage" style="width: 70px;">Cheveux</div> </div> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <input type="text" class="sheet-info-perso" name="attr_hair" title="Coupe et couleurs cheveux" style="width: 154px;"> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- fin description --> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-carac"><!-- debut carac pricipale--> <div style="display:table;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-Zones">Caractéristique</div> </div> </div> <div style="display: table-row;">   </div> </div> <input type="hidden" class="sheet-subrace-selection" name="attr_Race" value="HC"> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <!-- Caractéristique --> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div style="display:table;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">   Carac    </div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Base</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Magie</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Bonus</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Total</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Modif</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Points</div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">FO<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;" style="width:45px;">Force</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FO" value="0" title="FO de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie FO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FObonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus FO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOtotal" value="(@{FO}+@{FOmagie}+@{FObonus}+@{GenreM})" title="FO total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux FO" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOpoint" value="0" title="Point xp FO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testFO" title="Test de Force" value="Test de Force de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{FOtotal})[Force total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">EN<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Endurance</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_EN" title="EN de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie EN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus EN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENtotal" value="(@{EN}+@{ENmagie}+@{ENbonus}+@{GenreM})" title="EN total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux EN" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_ENpoint" value="0" title="Point xp EN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testEN" title="Test d'Endurance" value="Test d'Endurance de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{ENtotal})[Endurance total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">AG<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Agilité</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AG" title="AG de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie AG" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus AG" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGtotal" value="(@{AG}+@{AGmagie}+@{AGbonus}+@{GenreF})" title="AG total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux AG" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGpoint" value="0" title="Point xp AG" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testAG" title="Test d'Agilité" value="Test d'Agilité de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{AGtotal})[Agilité total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">RA<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Rapidité</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RA" title="RA de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie RA" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus RA" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAtotal" value="(@{RA}+@{RAmagie}+@{RAbonus}+@{GenreF})" title="RA total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux RA" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RApoint" value="0" title="Point xp RA" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testRA" title="Test de Rapidité" value="Test de Rapidité de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{RAtotal})[Rapidité total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">PE<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Perception</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PE" title="PE de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie PE" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEbonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus PE" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEtotal" value="(@{PE}+@{PEmagie}+@{PEbonus})" title="PE total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux PE" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEpoint" value="0" title="Point xp PE" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testPE" title="Test de Perception" value="Test de Perception de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{PEtotal})[Perception total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:45px;">VO<br><div style="font-size: 0.65em;">Volonté</div></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VO" title="VO de base" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-3" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOmagie" value="0" title="Modif magie VO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VObonus" value="0" title="Modif bonus VO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOtotal" value="(@{VO}+@{VOmagie}+@{VObonus})" title="VO total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOtotal_mod" title="Modif raciaux VO" readonly></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOpoint" value="0" title="Point xp VO" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testVO" title="Test de Volonté" value="Test de Volonté de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{VOtotal})[Volonté total]*5)]]"/></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-HC"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">apprentissage rapide:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +20% supplémentaire a répartir en compétence secondaire.</span> </div> </div> <div style="display: table-row;"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Artisant:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +10% en artisanat.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-HTS"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">apprentissage rapide:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +10% supplémentaire a répartir en compétence secondaire.</span> </div> </div> <div style="display: table-row;"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Eclaireur:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +20% en discretion, +10% en Tir et repérage.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-HGN"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell; width:350px;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Montée en puissance:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> FO/AG/RA +2 pendant EN/3 rnd aprés -20% pendant EN rnd. Relance possible aprés repos. Taille +20 cm, poids +30kg. Pendant la rage peux utiliser deux armes normales (1 dans chaque main) avec malus 0%/-25% au lieux de -25/-50%.</span> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell; width:70px;"> <input type="checkbox" class="sheet-Rage" name="attr_BonusRageHGN" title="Bonus rage" value="2"> </div> <div style="display: table-cell; width:70px;"> <input type="checkbox" class="sheet-Rage" name="attr_MalusRageHGN" title="Malus rage" value="20"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-HN"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Habitude au commandement:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +10% en marchandage, +20% en commandement. Deja inclus au profil.</span> </div> </div> <div style="display: table-row;"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Formation martial:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +20% a répartir en combat.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-H"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Apprentissage rapide:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +20% supplémentaire a répartir en compétence secondaire.</span> </div> </div> <div style="display: table-row;"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Milicien:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +10% a répartir dans les compétences de combat.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-EHE"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Esprit clair:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +10% compétence de commandement. Bonus déja inclus.</span> </div> </div> <div style="display: table-row;"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">affinité magique:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> Lors de sélection de pouvoir, tire 3 cartes au lieux de 2. N'en garde que 1.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-EDE"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Apprentissage rapide:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +10% supplémentaire a répartir en compétence secondaire.</span> </div> </div> <div style="display: table-row;"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Milicien:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +10% a répartir dans les compétences de combat.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-EN"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Deux lames:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> Si 2 armes légère (couteau, ou max epee courte) sont utiliser en meme temps, le combattant peux choisir une option de parade avec la 2eme armes. En se cas l'arme secondaire est considéré comme un bouclier donnant +0/-25% au lieux de -25/-50% en malus.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-EB"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Eclaireur:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +20% en discretion, +10% en Tir et repérage. Bonus deja inclus</span> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Tireur émérite:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> si 1rnd pour viser avec une arme a distance, +10% en tir. Degat decalé de 1 cran vers la droite. Malus portée longue -10%, et portée max -25%</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-TC"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Pisteur:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +20% en repérage. Bonus deja inclus.</span> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Agressivité:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> Reste comme étant avec une option en combat quelque soit le nombre d'adversaire.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-TF"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Griffes retractible:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> AR+10% Degat E </span> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Rapidité:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +2 en RA pour déterminer l'initiative.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-TO"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Rage sanguinaire:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> FO/EN/RA +2 pendant EN/3 rnd ou jusqu'a la mort de l'ennemi pris pour cible. aprés -20% pendant EN rnd. Relance possible aprés repos. </span> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell; width:70px;"> <input type="checkbox" class="sheet-Rage" name="attr_BonusRageTO" title="Bonus rage" value="2"> </div> <div style="display: table-cell; width:70px;"> <input type="checkbox" class="sheet-Rage" name="attr_MalusRageTO" title="Malus rage" value="20"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Dur a cuir:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> Pas de coma, le délais avant la mort passe a 1d6rnd. En cas de rage, le délais de la mort se rajoute au temps qu'il reste de la rage. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-N"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Artisant né:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> en cas d'une amélioration d'une competence d'artisanat du a un critique la compétence gagne +7% au lieux de +5%. </span> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Increvable:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> En cas de tirage sur la table des blessures graves, les jets de morts/séquelles et divisé par 2. Idem pour le temps de convalescence.</span> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Densité:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> Taille -30 cm, poids +10kg.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-Ho"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Petit:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> +20% en esquive bonus deja inclus, taille max 1.2m, poids max 40kg. Déplacement diviser par 2</span> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Arbalestrier:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> Tir sur 1/2rnd au lieux de 1/3rnd. Portée courte +20% au lieux de +25%, portée longue -15% au lieux de -25%.</span> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Rafale:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> 2 Tir au lieux de 1/2rnd. Portée courte +10% au lieux de +25%, portée longue -15% au lieux de -25%. Nécessite de pouvoir se mettre assis par terre, car utilise les pieds en meme temps que les mains. Considéré comme sans option en cas d'attaque pendant cette posture.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-Lotus"><!-- sous race --> <div style="display:table; width:360px;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Style de la rose:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> Si 2 armes sont utiliser en meme temps, le combattant peux choisir une option de parade avec la 2eme armes. En se cas l'arme secondaire est considéré comme un bouclier donnant +0/-25% au lieux de -25/-50% en malus.</span> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Lame dansante:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> Si option attaque rapide, +10 a l'init au lieu de +5, dégat de l'arme non modifié. Obligation d'utiliser deux armes normales (1 dans chaque main) avec malus +0/-25% au lieux de -25/-50%.</span> </div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <span class="sheet-capacite-racial-nom">Aura démoniaque:</span><span class="sheet-capacite-racial"> La beauté impie, et son appartenance au monde démoniaque lui confére une protection permanente de 5.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- fin caracprincipale --> </div> <div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><!-- debut competence de combat --> <div style="display:table;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div class="sheet-titre-Zones">Compétences de combat</div> </div> </div> <div style="display: table-row;">   </div> </div> <div> <div style="display:table;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;"> <div style="display:table;"> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div style="display: table-cell;">  </div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Carac.</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Base</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Mod.</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Bonus</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Magie</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Total</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">Points</div> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">notes</div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:90px;">AB Attaque brutale</div> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">FO</div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCAB" title="Base Attaque brutale" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_FOtotal_mod" title="Modif FO" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCABbonus" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus attaque brutale" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCABmagie" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus magie attaque brutale" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCABtotal" value="@{CCAB}+@{FOtotal_mod}+@{CCABbonus}+@{CCABmagie}" title="AB total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCABpoint" value="0" title="Point xp AB" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="text" style="width:290px;" name="attr_CCABnotes" placeholder="Notes" title="Notes" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testAB" title="Test AB" value="Test AB de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{CCABtotal})[AB total])]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:90px;">AN Attaque normale</div> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">AG</div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCAN" title="Base Attaque normale" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_AGtotal_mod" title="Modif AG" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCANbonus" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus attaque normale" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCANmagie" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus magie attaque normale "></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCANtotal" value="@{CCAN}+@{AGtotal_mod}+@{CCANbonus}+@{CCANmagie}" title="AN total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCANpoint" value="0" title="Point xp AN" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="text" style="width:290px;" name="attr_CCANnotes" placeholder="Notes" title="Notes" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testAN" title="Test AN" value="Test AN de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{CCANtotal})[AN total])]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:90px;">AR Attaque rapide</div> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">AR</div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCAR" title="Base Attaque rapide" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAtotal_mod" title="Modif RA" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCARbonus" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus attaque rapide" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCARmagie" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus magie attaque rapide "></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCARtotal" value="@{CCAR}+@{RAtotal_mod}+@{CCARbonus}+@{CCARmagie}" title="AR total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCARpoint" value="0" title="Point xp AR" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="text" style="width:290px;" name="attr_CCARnotes" placeholder="Notes" title="Notes" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testAR" title="Test AR" value="Test AR de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{CCARtotal})[AR total])]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:90px;">Feinte</div> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">PE</div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCFeinte" title="Base Feinte" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEtotal_mod" title="Modif PE" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCFeintebonus" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus Feinte" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCFeintemagie" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus magie Feinte "></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCFeintetotal" value="@{CCFeinte}+@{PEtotal_mod}+@{CCFeintebonus}+@{CCFeintemagie}" title="Feinte total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCFeintepoint" value="0" title="Point xp Feinte" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="text" style="width:290px;" name="attr_CCFeintenotes" placeholder="Notes" title="Notes" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testFeinte" title="Test Feinte" value="Test Feinte de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{CCFeintetotal})[Feinte total])]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:90px;">Parade</div> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">RA</div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCParade" title="Base Parade" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAtotal_mod" title="Modif RA" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCParadebonus" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus Parade" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCParademagie" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus magie Parade "></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCParadetotal" value="@{CCParade}+@{RAtotal_mod}+@{CCABbonus}+@{CCABmagie}" title="Parade total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCParadepoint" value="0" title="Point xp Parade" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="text" style="width:290px;" name="attr_CCParadenotes" placeholder="Notes" title="Notes" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testParade" title="Test Parade" value="Test Parade de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{CCParadetotal})[Parade total])]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:90px;">Esquive</div> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">RA</div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCEsquive" title="Base Esquive" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_RAtotal_mod" title="Modif RA" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCEsquivebonus" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus Esquive" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCEsquivemagie" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus magie Esquive "></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCEsquivetotal" value="@{CCEsquive}+@{RAtotal_mod}+@{CCEsquivebonus}+@{CCEsquivemagie}" title="Esquive total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCEsquivepoint" value="0" title="Point xp Esquive" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="text" style="width:290px;" name="attr_CCEsquivenotes" placeholder="Notes" title="Notes" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testEsquive" title="Test Esquive" value="Test Esquive de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{CCEsquivetotal})[Esquive total])]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:90px;">Tir</div> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">PE</div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCTir" title="Base Tir" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_PEtotal_mod" title="Modif PE" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCTirbonus" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus Tir" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCTirmagie" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus magie Tir "></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCTirtotal" value="@{CCTir}+@{PEtotal_mod}+@{CCTirbonus}+@{CCTirmagie}" title="Tir total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCTirpoint" value="0" title="Point xp Tir" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="text" style="width:290px;" name="attr_CCTirnotes" placeholder="Notes" title="Notes" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testTir" title="Test Tir" value="Test Tir de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{CCTirtotal})[Tir total])]]"/></div> </div> <div class="sheet-table-row"> <div class="sheet-titre-colomne-2" style="display: table-cell;" style="width:90px;">Sort</div> <div style="display: table-cell;" class="sheet-titre-colomne" style="display: table-cell;">VO</div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-1" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCSort" title="Base Sort" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-2" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_VOtotal_mod" title="Modif VO" readonly="readonly"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCSortbonus" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus Sort" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-4" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCSortmagie" step = 5 value="0" title="Bonus magie Sort "></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-stat-5" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCSorttotal" value="@{CCSort}+@{VOtotal_mod}+@{CCSortbonus}+@{CCSortmagie}" title="Magie total" disabled="true"></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="number" style="width:45px;" name="attr_CCSortpoint" value="0" title="Point xp Sort" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><input class="sheet-info-classe" type="text" style="width:290px;" name="attr_CCSortnotes" placeholder="Notes" title="Notes" ></div> <div style="display: table-cell;"><button type="roll" name="attr_testSort" title="Test Sort" value="Test Sort de @{character_name} [[1d100]]/[[((@{CCSorttotal})[Sort total])]]"/></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- fin competences de combat --> </div> </div> <!-- fin FondPrincipale --> <script type="text/worker"> const race = "Race"; on(`change:${race}`, () => { getAttrs([race], values => { const base_race = values[race]; //console.log(baserace); const stats = { HC: {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 11, VO: 11}, "HTS": {FO: 11, EN: 10, AG: 11, RA: 11, PE: 10, VO: 9}, "HGN": {FO: 12, EN: 12, AG: 9, RA: 9, PE: 10, VO: 8}, "HN": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 12, PE: 10, VO: 12}, "H": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "EHE": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 12, PE: 12, VO: 14}, "EDE": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 12, VO: 12}, "EN": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 14, PE: 12, VO: 10}, "EB": {FO: 12, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 12, PE: 12, VO: 10}, "TC": {FO: 12, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 10, PE: 12, VO: 10}, "TF": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 12, RA: 14, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "TO": {FO: 16, EN: 14, AG: 8, RA: 8, PE: 10, VO: 8}, "N": {FO: 10, EN: 14, AG: 10, RA: 8, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "Ho": {FO: 8, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 14, PE: 12, VO: 12}, "Pnj": {FO: 10, EN: 10, AG: 10, RA: 10, PE: 10, VO: 10}, "Lotus": {FO: 12, EN: 10, AG: 14, RA: 16, PE: 10, VO: 12}, /* add more races here */ }; const chosen_race = Object.keys(stats).includes(base_race) ? stats[base_race] : stats.HC; setAttrs(chosen_race); }); }); </script> <script type="text/worker"> const race1 = "Race"; on(`change:${race1}`, () => { getAttrs([race1], values => { const base_race1 = values[race1]; //console.log(baserace); const CC = { HC: {CCAB: 0, CCAN: 20, CCAR: 0, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 10, CCTir: 15, CCSort: 15}, "HTS": {CCAB: 0, CCAN: 20, CCAR: 10, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 15, CCEsquive: 15, CCTir: 20, CCSort: 0}, "HGN": {CCAB: 20, CCAN: 20, CCAR: 5, CCFeinte: 5, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 5, CCTir: 5, CCSort: 0}, "HN": {CCAB: 0, CCAN: 20, CCAR: 20, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 20, CCEsquive: 0, CCTir: 0, CCSort: 10}, "H": {CCAB: 10, CCAN: 10, CCAR: 10, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 10, CCTir: 10, CCSort: 10}, "EHE": {CCAB: 0, CCAN: 20, CCAR: 10, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 5, CCTir: 5, CCSort: 20}, "EDE": {CCAB: 0, CCAN: 15, CCAR: 10, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 10, CCTir: 10, CCSort: 15}, "EN": {CCAB: 0, CCAN: 20, CCAR: 10, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 20, CCEsquive: 20, CCTir: 0, CCSort: 0}, "EB": {CCAB: 15, CCAN: 15, CCAR: 10, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 0, CCTir: 30, CCSort: 0}, "TC": {CCAB: 20, CCAN: 20, CCAR: 10, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 5, CCEsquive: 5, CCTir: 0, CCSort: 0}, "TF": {CCAB: 0, CCAN: 10, CCAR: 20, CCFeinte: 20, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 20, CCTir: 0, CCSort: 0}, "TO": {CCAB: 20, CCAN: 20, CCAR: 0, CCFeinte: 0, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 10, CCTir: 10, CCSort: 10}, "N": {CCAB: 10, CCAN: 10, CCAR: 10, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 10, CCTir: 10, CCSort: 10}, "Ho": {CCAB: 0, CCAN: 0, CCAR: 0, CCFeinte: 20, CCParade: 20, CCEsquive: 40, CCTir: 10, CCSort: 10}, "Pnj": {CCAB: 10, CCAN: 10, CCAR: 10, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 10, CCEsquive: 10, CCTir: 10, CCSort: 10}, "Lotus": {CCAB: 0, CCAN: 0, CCAR: 20, CCFeinte: 10, CCParade: 20, CCEsquive: 10, CCTir: 0, CCSort: 20}, /* add more races here */ }; const chosen_race = Object.keys(CC).includes(base_race1) ? CC[base_race1] : CC.HC; setAttrs(chosen_race); }); }); </script> <script type="text/worker"> const stats = ["FOtotal", "ENtotal", "AGtotal", "RAtotal", "PEtotal", "VOtotal"]; stats.forEach(stat => { on(`change:${stat.toLowerCase()}`, () => { getAttrs([stat], values => { const stat_base = parseInt(values[stat]) || 0; //console.log(stat_base); let stat_mod = 0; if (stat_base >= 31) stat_mod = "50"; else if (stat_base == 29) stat_mod = "45"; else if (stat_base == 27) stat_mod = "40"; else if (stat_base == 25) stat_mod = "35"; else if (stat_base == 23) stat_mod = "30"; else if (stat_base == 21) stat_mod = "25"; else if (stat_base == 19) stat_mod = "20"; else if (stat_base == 17) stat_mod = "15"; else if (stat_base == 15) stat_mod = "10"; else if (stat_base == 13) stat_mod = "5"; else if (stat_base == 9) stat_mod = "0"; else if (stat_base == 7) stat_mod = "-5"; else if (stat_base == 5) stat_mod = "-10"; else if (stat_base == 3) stat_mod = "-15"; else if (stat_base == 1) stat_mod = "-20"; setAttrs({ [`${stat}_mod`]: stat_mod }); }); }); }); </script>
css code: /*zones race */ .charsheet div.sheet-HC, .charsheet div.sheet-HTS, .charsheet div.sheet-HGN, .charsheet div.sheet-HN, .charsheet div.sheet-H, .charsheet div.sheet-EHE, .charsheet div.sheet-EDE, .charsheet div.sheet-EN, .charsheet div.sheet-EB, .charsheet div.sheet-TC, .charsheet div.sheet-TF, .charsheet div.sheet-TO, .charsheet div.sheet-N, .charsheet div.sheet-Ho, .charsheet div.sheet-Pnj, .charsheet div.sheet-Lotus{ display: none; } .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="HC"]~ div.sheet-HC, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="HTS"]~ div.sheet-HTS, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="HGN"]~ div.sheet-HGN, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="HN"]~ div.sheet-HN, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="H"]~ div.sheet-H, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="EHE"]~ div.sheet-EHE, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="EDE"]~ div.sheet-EDE, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="EN"]~ div.sheet-EN, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="EB"]~ div.sheet-EB, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="TC"]~ div.sheet-TC, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="TF"]~ div.sheet-TF, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="TO"]~ div.sheet-TO, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="N"]~ div.sheet-N, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="Ho"]~ div.sheet-Ho, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="Pnj"]~ div.sheet-Pnj, .charsheet input.sheet-subrace-selection[value="Lotus"]~ div.sheet-Lotus{ display: block; } /*div*/ div.sheet-FondPrinicpale { padding-top : 10px; background-color: transparent; /*couleur de fond (transparent: transparent)*/ width: 760px; border-radius: 15px; border-style: solid; /*type de bordure petit point (dotted), petit trait (dashed), trait (solid), double (double), 3D interieur (inset), 3D extérieur (outset)*/ border-color: black; border-width: 1px 1px 3px 3px; } div.sheet-carac { padding-top : 10px; background-color: transparent; /*couleur de fond (transparent: transparent)*/ width: 55%; border-radius: 15px; border-style: solid; /*type de bordure petit point (dotted), petit trait (dashed), trait (solid), double (double), 3D interieur (inset), 3D extérieur (outset)*/ border-color: black; border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } div.sheet-descrip { padding-top : 10px; background-color: transparent; /*couleur de fond (transparent: transparent)*/ width: 45%; border-radius: 15px; border-style: solid; /*type de bordure petit point (dotted), petit trait (dashed), trait (solid), double (double), 3D interieur (inset), 3D extérieur (outset)*/ border-color: black; border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } div.sheet-titre-Zones { background-color: black; height: 24px; /*hauteur de la div. 2 type de taille possible px pour pixel, % pour pourcentage*/ width: 220px; color: Chartreuse; font-size: 15px; font-family: "cursive", Cursive; /*type du texte*/ font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; border-style: solid; /*type de bordure petit point (dotted), petit trait (dashed), trait (solid), double (double), 3D interieur (inset), 3D extérieur (outset)*/ border-color: white; border-width: 1px 1px 3px 3px; } div.sheet-titre-personnage { background-color: grey; height: 18px; /*hauteur de la div. 2 type de taille possible px pour pixel, % pour pourcentage*/ color: white; font-size: 12px; font-family: "cursive", Cursive; /*type du texte*/ font-weight: bold; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; border-style: solid; /*type de bordure petit point (dotted), petit trait (dashed), trait (solid), double (double), 3D interieur (inset), 3D extérieur (outset)*/ border-color: black; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; } div.sheet-titre-colomne { background-color: grey; height: 16px; /*hauteur de la div. 2 type de taille possible px pour pixel, % pour pourcentage*/ color: white; font-size: 10px; font-family: "cursive", Cursive; /*type du texte*/ font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; border-style: solid; /*type de bordure petit point (dotted), petit trait (dashed), trait (solid), double (double), 3D interieur (inset), 3D extérieur (outset)*/ border-color: black; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; } div.sheet-titre-colomne-1 { background-color: transparent; height: 16px; /*hauteur de la div. 2 type de taille possible px pour pixel, % pour pourcentage*/ color: white; font-size: 10px; font-family: "cursive", Cursive; /*type du texte*/ font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; border-style: solid; /*type de bordure petit point (dotted), petit trait (dashed), trait (solid), double (double), 3D interieur (inset), 3D extérieur (outset)*/ border-color: black; border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } div.sheet-titre-colomne-2 { background-color: black; height: 24px; /*hauteur de la div. 2 type de taille possible px pour pixel, % pour pourcentage*/ color: white; font-size: 10px; font-family: "cursive", Cursive; /*type du texte*/ font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; border-style: solid; /*type de bordure petit point (dotted), petit trait (dashed), trait (solid), double (double), 3D interieur (inset), 3D extérieur (outset)*/ border-color: black; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; } /*input*/ input.sheet-info-stat-1 { background-color: LightCyan; height: 24px; /*hauteur de la div. 2 type de taille possible px pour pixel, % pour pourcentage*/ margin: 0px 0px 3px 0px; /*décalage de l'objet (dessus, gauche, bas, droite) */ color: black; font-size: 12px; font-family: "cursive", Cursive; /*type du texte*/ font-weight: bold; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; border-style: solid; /*type de bordure petit point (dotted), petit trait (dashed), trait (solid), double (double), 3D interieur (inset), 3D extérieur (outset)*/ border-color: black; 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no finished, i try first to debug my probleme.
First of all, I would like to thank you for your help.