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Starfinder 2e Playtest, beginner and 🏳️‍🌈 friendly - do you know where your towel is? [SF2e][PF2e][Sunday][19:00 UTC+2 / noon CST][$15/session]


Edited 1721678378
Marius J.
KS Backer
As a GM and player, I adore the Starfinder setting and it's blend of space opera and fantasy. When I watch movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor: Ragnarok, I start dreaming of running those sorts of campaigns in the Starfinder setting. Sadly, I was never a huge fan of the ruleset for first edition Starfinder, and so I haven't played it nearly as much as I'd like to. Pathfinder 2e, on the other hand, I love - it's dynamic, character builds are exciting, and combat encounters are easier to balance. When it was announced that Starfinder 2e was coming, and would be compatible with PF2e, I knew I wanted to get in from the beginning. This game will use the playtest rulebook (which should be releasing on August 1st), and eventually port over to the full release version if it lasts long enough. As for the kind of story I want to tell in the Starfinder setting, I will be drawing inspirations from some of my favorite space-based IPs: Firefly (outlaws with a ship), Guardians of the Galaxy (exciting set piece encounters and over-the-top villains), and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (a bit on the sillier side, perhaps even absurd at times). The actual story we end up with will depend on the players and their characters, what makes sense for them, but now you know the sorts of themes I'm looking to incorporate. As the game is compatible with Pathfinder 2e, I'm also happy to have players bringing Pathfinder elements into the game, be that an ancestry or a whole class, so long as it makes sense in a space-based campaign. If any of that sounds like a good time to you, hop aboard this ginormous spaceship, and come adventure with me! Sessions will be weekly on Sundays at 19:00 UTC+2 / Central European time. The game is hosted on&nbsp; , and charges $15/session with a free session 0. For more info, check out the link below, and if you have questions, feel free to DM me or send a chat request. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;
Two players have signed up already, but still open spots if anyone wants to join our crew as we explore the Starfinder universe together!&nbsp;
Session 0 is still scheduled for two weeks from tomorrow. :-)
Four players signed up, two empty slots if anyone else wants to get in on this game! We will be starting with a couple of Paizo's official playtest adventures, first Shards of the Glass Planet, then A Cosmic Birthday.
Five players in, only one open slot left! :-)
Looking for one more to round out the party!
One spot still open, and I've opened up a second game of this on Wednesday nights as well.&nbsp; Community Forums: Starfinder 2e Playtest, beginner and 🏳️‍🌈 friendly [SF2e][PF2e][Wednesday][19:00 UTC+2 / noon CST][$15/session][Paid] | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop
The game was full up, but one player had to step away, meaning we have one open spot again. Session 0 scheduled for tomorrow, so perfect time to jump in!
The last spot was taken, but the player then had to leave, meaning we still have an empty spot at our table. Session 1 is scheduled for this Sunday, running the Shards of the Glass Planet adventure. Of the six playtest classes, we currently don't have a Soldier, so if you want to join in as a heavy armor-wearing, autofire-shooting space trooper, then hop on in and join us!
Still looking for a Soldier to round out our party.&nbsp;
Two days until session 1, so still time to jump aboard and join us. :-)
Session 1 starting in about 40 minutes, but there are pregens available if anyone wants to jump in last-minute - otherwise, next week will see the start of a brand new adventure, A Cosmic Birthday, so that´s another good opportunity to get on board. :-)&nbsp;
Our Sunday game of Starfinder has gotten off to a good start, and we're halfway through chapter 1 of A Cosmic Birthday. Still plenty of time to jump in - we have one new player joining in tomorrow, so perfect opportunity to join up alongside him, delve into the Ghost Levels of Absalom Station, and tangle with eldritch horrors in space! So far our party includes all playtest characters apart from the Solarian, so if you like the idea of weilding a mystical laser sword and being in tune with solar energies, hop aboard!
Still looking for a Solarian - or, if you´re feeling wild, maybe a Pathfinder class character - to join our merry band of space based adventurers. :-)&nbsp;
Almost done with chapter 1, so if you want to join in and make a second level character, hop on board!
Chapter 2 is just underway, and if you sign up before next session (two weeks from now, September 15th), you'll get to take part in a heist, robbing a local branch of AbadarCorp's bank! We're including a Hero Point-based flashback mechanic inspired by games like Blades in the Dark!
Still looking for one more player for this group. Currently our group has all the playtest classes except the Solarian present, so a melee focused character would fit well!
Next session is tonight, in six and a half hours from the time of posting! Still time to join, roll up a second level character, and join us for some wacky adventures in space!
We are nearing the end of chapter two (of three) of A Cosmic Birthday, but still plenty of adventure to be had in this module, before we move on to the one-shot It Came From the Vast!, and then the level 10 adventure Empires Devoured. One open spot, ideally looking for a Solarian, but if you'd rather try one of the other playtest classes - or even mix in a Pathfinder 2e class - then just shoot me a message over on Startplaying.
Still one open spot for anyone who wants to explore the new edition of Starfinder!
One slot open, next session is this Sunday at 19:00 Central European time - roll up a second level Starfinder character and join us!
One player had to leave due to a change of schedule, so we’ve got two open spots for new players to join in.&nbsp;
Still two open spots, missing a Solarian and an Operative from our party - roll up a second level character and join us! :-)
Still two open spots, if you're interested in joining, you can either DM me or message me on Startplaying.
Two open spots in our Sunday group, currently consisting of a Witchwarper, an Envoy, a Mystic, and a Soldier.