Experienced (10+ years) improv style DM seeks players to round out a play group for a high magic dark fantasy campaign. (LGBTQ+ Friendly and you should be too) Play time 7:30pm ~ 11pm. Age request not for roleplay or subject matter the group just tends towards a younger professional demographic. Homebrew setting and minor mechanical adjustments to character sheet to improve gameplay with easy onboarding. I have experience with high level play and employ additional homebrew spells, classes, and magic items on top of the core source books and select third party source books. Jailed for illegitimate crimes a jailbreak is brewing beneath the crimson tower of the blood empress . Prepare yourselves to overthrow a tyrant, a thousand years and rivers of blood in the making. Join in the escape, break the shackles of oppression, and find allies along the way as you seek justice from those at the peak of the empire. If any of this sounds interesting to you please consider filling out the following and submitting a copy of it as a direct message and feel free to request additional information. Preferred Name: Preferred Pronouns (he/she/they/etc): Age: Discord name (including the 4 numbers at the end): A pitch for a character you think would be interesting to play mechanics or flavorwise: What you generally look for in a campaign/playgroup/DM: How would you best describe your preferred playstyle: Favorite homebrew you have used or seen before if any (if you haven't that is ok too): Do you have any experience or interest in other TTRPG systems? If so which ones?: In your own words briefly describe what roleplay means to you: What ratio do you prefer your three pillars (roleplay/exploration/combat): PS: If you are a DM with a small but loyal group of players also feel free to reach out for potential collaborative work.