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Delta Green: Operation FULMINATE one-shot [Paid][$10][Online][Delta Green][Sunday July 27th, 19:00 UTC+2 / noon CST]

In which the Agents learn that not all those who are lost should be found. Since the inception of the national park system, over 1,100 people have been reported missing inside their confines, many of them children. Often, missing children are found far from where they vanished, with no shoes or other clothing. Some are found dead. Some are never found at all. Something is taking people from national parks, and it might not be precisely human. Welcome to this Delta Green one-shot running the pre-made module Operation: FULMINATE. In this adventure, you will be an operative with the secret organization Delta Green, called in to investigate the disappearance and sudden re-appearance of Brandon McGill, who vanished as a 6-year old in 1980 in Yosemite National Park. I am an experienced GM (20+ years of running tabletop RPGs both online and offline), but quite new to Delta Green, having only ran a couple of one-shots so far. Looking to continue that, and plan on hosting semi-regular one-shots or even a short campaign of it once I get a little more comfortable with the game and the setting. If you're new to the system, this is a great opportunity to try it out, see if it's for you or not! This game is hosted on, and charges $10/player. If you are new to Startplaying, you can use my referral link below to get a $10 credit towards your first game!&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; Play Delta Green Online | Delta Green: Operation FULMINATE ( Delta Green: Operation FULMINATE one-shot LFG | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop
Operation: FULMINATE commences in one week and a little over half an hour from the time of posting this comment!