Looking for 3 more players for this saturday The Setting: North of the spine of the world and west of the towering Reghed Glacier is a frigid expanse few dare to explore, let alone inhabit. This icy land of windswept tundra recently became locked in a perpetual, dark winter without reprieve. Auril the Frostmaiden, the divine embodiment of winter's fury, has withdrawn to this cold corner of the world to live among mortals. Further, she has cast a terrible spell over Icewind Dale, to the detriment of most of its denizens. About the DM: My DMing style depends on the players; I will usually adjust the game according to what the party is doing and give a lot of freedom for creative character development. Also, if you want some creative homebrew race or class, just hit me up, and I will likely allow it after making some changes if it looks a little OP. I have run this module many times, and my groups had many months worth of fun with it. On the subject of the roleplay-combat split, I do enjoy quite a bit of combat, usually having at least one per session, and this module is quite dungeon-crawly and combat-heavy. But I do allow the party to roleplay and do their own stuff as much as they want. And of course, I almost never miss a session and run games on most holidays as long as we have enough people to play. General Info: - Party size is 6 players max. - Every week at 1 pm EST. - Each session is $15. - The game will be long-running. - For stats, you can either take this game's standard array, which is 17 16 15 14 10 9, roll or point buy. - I run when there are 3 or more players. If you want to join, please put in an application below with the following info or direct message me: - Name: - Experience D&D or other TTRPGs: - What do you like the most in a campaign: - What is your play style like: - Have you played this module before: - Discord Id: - Character (If you have one): Listings: [Link to the Roll20 listing]( <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/397336/5e-icewind-dale-rime-of-the-frostmaiden-saturdays" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/397336/5e-icewind-dale-rime-of-the-frostmaiden-saturdays</a> ) *Please note that Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.*