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Group Initiative API - Handling EAO Based on High Roll

Sheet Author
API Scripter
I am looking for an option to use Group Initiative for a system (Fabula Ultima) that uses an elective action order approach but based on a single roll done by a player and enemy.  The initiative works slightly different from PC to Enemy. For PCs the players determine who will roll, the other players will do a support check, and based on how many succeeded (target 10 or greater) the player doing the rolling will add a modifier of +1 per successful helper.  All players then act on the same initiative number.   Players use an EAO approach to decide amongst themselves who will go first, second, etc. For the enemy, it works similar but the GM rolls using one NPC's best stats - usually the leader - and the enemy all act as a single group; enemies do not get the option to help and provide a modifier to the roll.  I am looking at using an optional rule set where if there is no leader present, they always go after the PC's. Handling who goes first, second, third, etc would have to be manual. So with that in mind I started experimenting with a couple initiative API's and settled on Group Initiative because of the option to select multiple tokens at once and it enables me to do a couple other things in one API.  The challenge is that I do not see a means to leverage the existing roller options. Simplest approach - that I can see - select multiple tokens, initiate group initiative, group initiative prompts what is the initiative value, and that value is  applied to all tokens selected.  This would be similar to Use Constant-by-Stat but instead of using individual bonus by stat, it would be using a prompted value.  Note this would be proceeded by a roll to chat that would be used for this initiative. A more robust approach, is to select multiple tokens, initiate group initiative, group initiative prompts for which character to use to roll initiative, initiative is rolled, and that roll is applied to all selected tokens.  I would see this as the opposite of Use Least-All-Roll with the exception there is only a single roll. I would be extremely grateful if anyone has a means to handle either of these two approaches or even something completely different (I did look at the other Initiative Management APIs) - also found a script for EAO outside of Roll20s supported APIs but it has not been maintained in 6 or so years. Thanks in advance!
API Scripter
The metascripts might be able to help with some of this. What is the structure of an initiative roll? That is, if the party determines that Shia LeBouf Actual Cannibal is going to roll for initiative, what is the base structure for the roll made from the SLBAC sheet? Is the roll housed in a particular attribute? Or is it a d20 with a mod coming from some statistic? What do you mean when you say, " The challenge is that I do not see a means to leverage the existing roller options."? What is it that you need to be able to do that GroupInit can't handle? Also, when it's all said and done, you want the entire party to appear in the Turn Order, even though they will all act at the same initiative... just going in whatever manual order they decide on?

Edited 1721600510
I would look at Scriptcards.  I built my own initiative system using the ScriptCards api. I’m thinking that it would be a set of 3 or 4 scripts: 1. SupportRolls: Executed by each of the supporting players - Macro for supporting players to make support rolls.  The bonus is incremented as needed and stored in State memory. 2. LeaderRolls: Executed by the lead player - Once all supporting players roll, Leader rolls and adds Bonus.  Leader is then automatically added to the Roll20 Turn Tracker.  State Memory Cache is then cleared 3. NPCRolls: Executed by GM - Option is presented to Roll or set initiative to a fixed number between 1 and 20.  If you select  to Roll, then it will Roll init based on your game rules and add a Custom Enemies entry to the Turn Order.  Selecting a number between 1 and 20 will add a Custom Enemies entry to the Turn Order for the selected number.   4. ClearCache: Executed by GM to clear previous results from memory.  Run only when you feel it needs to be reset. It could probably be written as one master script, just adds a little complexity to determine if the GM is rolling or is it a player.