Hi all, I'm hoping those of you who are more familiar with the Metascripts will be able to assist me with this one. I've got a specific use question here. I'm trying to use a trap token through It's A Trap to trigger a Token Mod command that includes an IF logic structure that fetches the night vision distance of the triggering player token in order to toggle it between two values whenever the trap is triggered. This functions as a fog growing and restricting vision as players delve into an ice dragon's lair, and the fog receding as they walk out, passing over the trap token once in each direction. Here's the command that works outside of It's A Trap to toggle between the two values: !token-mod --current-page --set night_distance|{& if @(selected.nv_dist) = 45}75{& elseif @(selected.nv_dist) = 75}45{& end} It's A Trap has native Token Mod mod support that includes the command trigger, but when pasting in the above minus the trigger, it does not work, but I know that is because the 'selected' Fetch property doesn't have anything selected when the command is triggered by It's a Trap . I have tried using It's A Trap 's VICTIM_ID substitution in place of 'selected' in order for Fetch to be able to read the triggering token's night vision distance property, but it does not work. Is there some kind of syntax or deferment or other information I am missing that would enable the Fetch construct to be used in the needed context? I already have a workaround of a non-logical version of each distance value being applied to a token by two separate trap tokens (passing through both applies the last one passed), but It's a Trap requires a chat output message when a trap token is triggered, so that really crowds the chat with unneccesary clutter that could be cut in half if this logical version of the command can function in context.