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Starfinder 2e Playtest, beginner and 🏳️‍🌈 friendly [SF2e][PF2e][Wednesday][19:00 UTC+2 / noon CST][$15/session][Paid]

As a GM and player, I adore the Starfinder setting and it's blend of space opera and fantasy. When I watch movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor: Ragnarok, I start dreaming of running those sorts of campaigns in the Starfinder setting. Sadly, I was never a huge fan of the ruleset for first edition Starfinder, and so I haven't played it nearly as much as I'd like to. Pathfinder 2e, on the other hand, I love - it's dynamic, character builds are exciting, and combat encounters are easier to balance. When it was announced that Starfinder 2e was coming, and would be compatible with PF2e, I knew I wanted to get in from the beginning. This game will use the playtest rulebook (which should be releasing on August 1st), and eventually port over to the full release version if it lasts long enough. As for the kind of story I want to tell in the Starfinder setting, I will be drawing inspirations from some of my favorite space-based IPs: Firefly (outlaws with a ship), Guardians of the Galaxy (exciting set piece encounters and over-the-top villains), and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (a bit on the sillier side, perhaps even absurd at times). We will be starting with some of the premade playtest adventures, including A Cosmic Birthday, where you will witness the birth of the latest deity to join the setting's pantheon! If any of that sounds like a good time to you, hop aboard this ginormous spaceship, and come adventure with me! (I also have a group running this adventure on Sundays at the same time, currently with 5 out of 6 slots taken, so if Sundays work better for you, still one open slot!) This game charges $15/session, and is hosted on If you're new to the site, you can use my referral link to get $10 off your first session.&nbsp; Play Starfinder Online | You can't take the stars from me! | Starfinder 2e playtest ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; You Can't Take The Stars From Me! | Starfinder 2e Playtest LFG | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop

Edited 1721945432
Marius J.
KS Backer
One spot taken, we're aiming for session 0 on August 7th (no charge for session 0), then session 1 kicking off the following week.&nbsp; Edit: two spots taken, four still open.
The Sunday night game has filled up, but still available spots to play Starfinder 2e on Wednesdays. As a preview for session 1, we will be exploring the first playtest scenario, Shards of the Glass Planet. &nbsp; " For millennia, Birnam’s Bubble has been a planet untouched by outsiders, fully encapsulated in an impenetrable shield of unknown energy and protected by powerful automated defenses. Through this barrier, explorers and surveyors have glimpsed pristine settlements, verdant flora, and inexplicable magical emanations—yet no fauna or citizens populate the world’s surface. &nbsp; As in many other parts of the galaxy, the Drift Crisis changed everything. Now, the energy barrier surrounding Birnam’s Bubble cracks like shattering glass, and shards of this solidified energy have begun to fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction. Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they're lost forever!" So, what are you waiting for? Get on board! :-)
Still open spots!
The playtest rules are releasing this week. Come along for a ride to the stars with us!
Session zero is in one week from today, at no charge. Hop on board!
We're one hour from the release of the playtest PDF, perfect time to join us, hop aboard our Discord, and start chatting about what sort of character you want to try! Will you be a crafty and charismatic Envoy, a tough-as-nails Soldier, a Solarian wielding the power of the sun as a blade, a highly skilled Operative, warping reality itself as a Witchwarper, or a Mystic in tune with the secrets of the universe?
Three players have signed up, room for up to three more still.&nbsp;
Still a few more days to sign up before session 0. :-)&nbsp;
Up to four players now, two spots still open. 🚀
Tomorrow is session 0, two spots still open for anyone who wants to jump in before we begin! :-)
Session 0 tonight, but if you can't make that session, I'd be happy to run an individual session 0 to help you get ready for next week's session 1 later this week. :-)&nbsp;
One spot open for anyone wanting to join us in time for session 1 next week. :-)
Still one open spot, so far our party has a Soldier, a Witchwarper, an Operative, and a Solarian, with one player yet undecided - so if you're interested in trying the Envoy or Mystic classes, step right up!
Three days until session 1, so plenty of time to get in there and make your character. :-)&nbsp;
We're underway with A Cosmic Birthday, perhaps a third through the first chapter of the adventure, and have one open spot for anyone who wants to sign up. At the moment our party is lacking an Envoy, and our Soldier will be switching to a melee-based Operative, so two classes yet unclaimed for anyone who wants to join up.&nbsp;
Slight change to our lineup - our party is looking to be a Witchwarper, two Operatives, a Solarian, and a Sorcerer - so for Starfinder classes, Envoy, Mystic, and Soldier are all up for grabs!&nbsp;
Almost at the end of chapter 1, but still lots of adventure to be had! Next session in three weeks - September 18th.&nbsp;
Slight change to our party makeup: we now have a Witchwarper, two Operatives (one melee, one ranged), a Solarian, and an Alchemist. Envoy, Mystic, and Soldier remain up for grabs, and there is one more spot in the game! Next session September 18th, hop on board!