All games will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $20 USD per week per player via Paypal. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and any other nonbinary members! My name is Peyton and I have been a full-time professional Dungeon Master for three years. During that time, I have cultivated a community of welcoming, knowledgeable, and friendly players to put alongside you in your coming game. Over half of that community and I have been playing together for over a year, and many of those players date back to my earliest months of doing this full-time. My gameplay style is easily described as roleplay-focused with less frequent, but meaningful combat. You can expect combat on average every other week in most of my games, but it may be more or less frequent given the playstyle of others at the table, or the given situation within the game itself. I strive to make a welcoming and comfortable place for all my players to play the game that we all love. My ultimate goal is for our games to feel as if we are a group of friends playing the game at home! About My Game Friday ( LFG PAGE ) 1 PM EST 6 Player Slots are available. This game will start when we have enough players. Services I Offer I do this full-time, so I am always home to answer questions. Our community features a system where several of the more experienced players can privately give feedback to those trying to learn the ropes. I will be in the Discord server starting 1 hour before the game starts. I am a trained graphic design artist, so I will be designing both world and battle maps - as well as letters, emblems, tokens, and landing pages. I will run optional 1-on-1 sessions leading into the campaign for a standard fee. These can also be done for everyone during time skips during the campaign. Sessions will be 2-4 hours 1-on-1 Sessions will last 2-3 hours. Server Boosted Discord Server for better audio/video quality. A dedicated team of volunteers that can assist new players through character creation and development. Publicly accessible discord notes for many of my settings. Flexible schedule to meet and discuss the game and characters in a one-on-one setting. Image References: 1.) Landing Page Example 2.) Map Reference 3.) Discord notes. Here is a reference of one of the gods of my settings. What is the Setting? By default, I run most of my games in a connected timeline where seven versions of the same world throughout history are trying to make the perfect world. Those settings are as follows:  -  Fell Winter is a Gaslamp Fantasy setting with strong ties to Psychological thrillers . It 's endless night is the perfect place for creatures and people alike to creep in the shadows and its people have been hardened by a long existence of brutal circumstances .  -  Synchronous is a setting that is tailored more towards beginning players , but with the difficulty ratcheted up . The main feature of the setting is that each nation or country is separated by months of travel , and each one will act as if it is a timepiece of its own . One nation can be like the Wild West ; the next could be a desert -based society ; the next could be themed like ancient Egypt or Greece ; and one could even look like feudal Japan . This makes the types of characters that are able to be played  very  wide and perfect for a party with a wide set of ideas . The areas between these nations are brutal and not habitable for large societies . Acid oceans , arid deserts , and ranges of volcanoes could be but a few of the natural issues one can run into when traveling in the wild .  -  Omniscent takes place in a world that , at best , can be described as half -finished by the gods . It has small pockets of civilized land and large stretches of hostile land between most nations . With that being said , it is easier to travel between the many theocratic nations that dot the land . This setting is the most religious -focused of the Golden Timeline options . Every nation has its own state -run religion . This makes it a perfect setting for those who want to play devotee characters who are interested in getting into the politics of the clergy . Many of the nations in this setting have different religions that run them , so as a result , it is a hotbed for conflict and war . This makes the idea of  "fighting for what is right " a very personal adventure .  -  Arcane Dust is the most advanced setting that I have when it comes to both magic and technological advancements . This is the setting a player would want to play in for everything . Trains , magical airships , floating castles , fortresses of the undead , and much , much more . Overall , I see it as the land of the extremes .  -  Lorebound is my most traditional fantasy setting . In terms of fantasy , I would describe it as the perfect scoop of vanilla ice cream , where the stories tend to focus on world -shattering epics . This is really my own setting , where Elves will be Elves , Dwarves will be Dwarves , and many of the fantasy troupes that you will be familiar with will mostly all be in play , but with a few twists to make it feel interesting and special .  -  ARCH is a setting that takes place in the shattered world of Aglitis . It 's bent and broken landscape has created divisive and isolated people . With rich political and national histories , this setting makes a perfect place for players and people alike who wish to climb the social ladder .  -  Moonstone is the setting that ends the golden timeline and the struggle between the messengers of the Dorn crystal . It 's themes are coated with layers of most of the previous settings , as many elements of them continued to get carried over . As a result of these two things , Moonstone will be played rarely . It is designed for deep and intense roleplay and has adult themes that are to be taken seriously and not taken lightly . Outside of that , the rest of the setting is a Victorian -themed high fantasy setting in a world that has survived many countless global catastrophes . A world of many great nations is now at war for many reasons , including political , religious , or resource -based trading . Some of the restrictions that are placed on this setting include , but are not limited to , that all players must be twenty -one years of age instead of eighteen ; they must have completed a substantial part of at least one campaign with me ; and the group going into this setting must have already completed a substantial part of a campaign together . Even after these points , I will still be picky about what parties I allow to play in Moonstone , and that choice is ultimately mine . Custom  - Of course of none of these settings work with what the party would like to play in I can always make more. Custom tailored to exactly what the party wants with in dept control. Application Response: Name Age Timezone Experience with D&D Experience with Roll20 Favorite Food Add me on Discord, my username is: pjm