've had a love for TTRPGs for about...well, longer than I'm going to admit. I'll just note than I'm almost 54. I prefer to Role Play my character than Roll play. What
do I bring to the table? Well besides a few decades of experience, how
about a love for gaming, an open mind ready, willing, and wanting to
learn more? I enjoy character development and world-building. Kicking
around new ideas and seeing if we can make 'em work. I dont know all of the rules to all of the systems, but I have the books we'll need and always eager to learn something new. I've
played D&D since they came in blue and red boxes and you had to
color in the numbers on the die with a crayon. Gamma World wasn't to
long after that. I found Cyberpunk when 2020 seemed like a distant future that I didn't expect to see. Along came RoleMaster (2nd ed.) and my gaming world was forever changed. 3.5
came along about 5 weeks after I bought 2 sets of all the 3rd ed.
D&D... that one kinda torqued me off, but man we had some great
games. Ran a homebrew sci-fi/cyberpunk world for about a decade. have run multiple fantasy worlds of my own creation, but really I just want to play. I made the jump to 5e not long after first seeing Critical Role, which inspired me to take the plunge. My
last group had a falling out. So, here I am now looking for a band of
miscreants ready to go forth and do dumb thin...I mean, go on adventures with. My
inspirations come from Conan, both books and the movies, Hawk the
Slayer, 13th Warrior, various Robin Hood films through the years, and
even some Musketeers. Deathstalker, Red Sonja, Clash of the Titans,
Krull, Excalibur, and more Sinbad movies than I can remember. Of course,
The Hobbit and LotR. so many more. I was a teen in the 80s, the Golden Age of fantasy movies. I'm also a sci-fi nerd, Star Wars came out when I was still 6. Then there was of course star trek, Babylon 4, Red Dwarf, Farscape is a passion, along with Stargate SG1, Space 1999, Max Headroom, Mel Gibson's Neuromancer, et al. There's so much more. I'd like to talk to the
DM/GM and some of your players before making a commitment. I think that
would be best for everyone. Let's make sure we're on the same page and
have the same game desires and goals. I have a few
ideas for a couple of characters that I'd like to play, and I confess
that I prefer to start of at relatively low level, like 1st to no higher than 4th. I believe that
starting off with a 10th level character or higher is... well, lame. You
don't appreciate the things that you earn, EARN, along the way when
starting between level 0 - 3rd. So, let's have a talk and, again, make
sure we're on the same page.