Two players here looking for a an unpaid long-term campaign the runs every other Saturday after 3 PM PST or every Sunday between 8 AM PST and 12 PM PST or anytime after 5 PM PST (start time), ending around 12 AM PST. We both live in the PST timezone. We are adults and LGBTQIA+ individuals. We like a blend of roleplay and combat, especially interesting mechanics. I think, what we would most enjoy, is a light-hearted spirited adventure with romance (within reason) and allure. Also wouldn’t mind something entertaining and fantasy-esk. As a whole, we are pretty compassionate and understanding individuals with a sort of wholesomeness yet fiery dynamic. Collectively we bring experience and life to campaigns. Both of us are DMs and players, so we have a strong grasp on how to play. Would love to hear more about you and your campaign. DM me here or Discord (Erifus#3835)!