Hi Barry S., I see you have a Pro account, are you the game owner? If so you will need the Mod (API Script) ChatSetAttr to do this. Assuming you are using D&D (2014) (formerly known as D&D 5e by Roll20) then I would also recommend Inspector in order to find the name of various elements on the sheet. With Inspector installed in your API Sandbox: step 1: select token step 2: enter into chat box: !inspect --selected step 3: click the cog on the "_id" line step 4: click the cog on the "represents" line (about halfway down) step 5: click on the 3 lines icon (at the bottom) step 6: click "view" on desired repeating list step 7: click "view" on desired repeating item. step 8: hover over the id codes, find the one that has the section I want, hit view on that. Copy the code. Note: step 7 may take a bit of looking around, playing with values etc. So, in this particular case I got: "repeating_acmod_-O3JoNC3Ykc0Jv61WnU4_global_ac_active_flag" I turn that into an attribute: "@{charactername|repeating_acmod_-O3JoNC3Ykc0Jv61WnU4_global_ac_active_flag}" (where charactername is the name of the character) Then I test it in chat. If checked I should get a value of 1, if unchecked I get a value of 0. Then I flip the checkmark and test again. Now I should get the other result. Next, I can replace the unique identifier with the generic identifier if I want. Example: " @{charactername|repeating_acmod_$0_global_ac_active_flag}" Where $0 is the first Global AC modifier in the list. Now I am ready to use ChatSetAttr: For on: !setattr --sel --nocreate --repeating_acmod_$0_global_ac_active_flag|1 For off: !setattr --sel --nocreate --repeating_acmod_$0_global_ac_active_flag|0 Notes: You can replace --sel with --name charactername, or leave it as is. I recommend leaving --nocreate there, just as a safety measure. There is a way to use the existing state to make it so it is a single command to toggle, but I am forgetting what it is right now. If I remember I will update.