I am new to installing API and working with coding but i have been able to get everything up and running with Powercards, but the problem is that i keep getting an error specifically on Barbarians when it tries to deal with other modifiers and just fails. I have tried to find a fix to it but I am out of options and ideas of how to fix it. I don't know if its because of the Script or the Macro but this is the error i get on the API Menu and below that is the text i get in game. Could not determine result type of: [{"type":"L","text":"$GDmg"},{"type":"M","expr":0}] undefined "Could not determine result type of: [{\"type\":\"L\",\"text\":\"$GDmg\"},{\"type\":\"M\",\"expr\":2},{\"type\":\"L\",\"text\":\"Rage Damage\"},{\"type\":\"M\",\"expr\":\"+10\"},{\"type\":\"L\",\"text\":\"Great Weapon Master\"}]" I welcome any help from someone smarter than I.