The title is a pretty decent summation of my situation. I'm a DM who rarely gets a chance to play, and I would really like to. I currently play a lot of Pathfinder, so an Adventure Path group is fine, there are a couple I would like to be a player in. I wouldn't mind trying out 5E or FantasyCraft either. Weekly games only. My only request is this: The group I'd like to join should be similarly experienced, comfortable roleplaying in-character and doing a lot of it, and the DM should be experienced with Roll20 enough to not have to spend most of the session figuring out how to set things up. In return, I can provide resources, my own Mentor features, and even bribe with the offer to DM myself every now and then. I just want a chance to be a player. Voice only, no text games please. I don't mind helping a group if they want to record or stream either, I'm fine with all that. I can offer solid, regular attendance, and access to all of the resources I have collected over my time DMing. If anyone has something they're putting together, give me a shout, and we can talk here or on Skype.