In the world of Ymir, humanity strives to unearth a rare and magical metal called "adonium." It is said that when enough adonium is gathered together they will be able to resurrect Enlil, the original deity, and he will bring an age of peace to all existence. Fiends threaten the human population, causing them to turn to the archons, agents of the gods, for help. Little do they know that their gods are not gods at all, but other humans from a distant planet called "Urth." These space-faring frauds have genetically engineered the archons, human laborers, and fiends to create an environment which will mine the adonium for them and thus give them the power to overcome their enemies and conquer the known universe. ........................................... The Third Genesis is a high fantasy series that blends elements of science fiction, mythology, Biblical symbolism, and even hints of Gnosticism. At this time, I am looking for players who might be interested. I can do Play-By-Post, or we can try to work something out on Discord. I have an original system that I've created for this game, and hope that people will consider playing. Please let me know if any of this strikes your interest.