I'm trying to make a macro for a mythic ability that I have but I'm having some trouble figuring out how to format the macro how I want it. The ability does a burst of damage to the amount of 4d6 and an additional 2d6 per mythic tier I have. Here's the relevant part of the macro I'm using for now: {{Damage= [[4d6+2d6]]}} I could just change the 2d6 each time I go up a mythic tier, but I'm forgetful and I'd prefer to just have it refer to my mythic tier from my sheet directly, which I have set as a custom modifier in @{customa1-mod}. I'm not super familiar with the syntax of roll20 macros, so how would I do that? I assume it would be something along the lines of {{Damage= [[4d6+(2*@{customa1-mod})d6]]}} but I'm just not sure of the correct syntax for it to actually function.