Bana said:
So basically "go ask cubicle7" ?
There are character sheets that are created by Roll20 are maintained by Roll20.
There are character sheets created by the community are maintained by those in the community.
There are character sheets created by a publisher are hopefully maintained by the publisher, but if they are not, you could ask for someone in the community to step in. BUT, at that point they need to contact Roll20 to seek permission to modify the sheet, Roll20 may then either reject, accept, or contact the publisher for permission.
The problem with publisher created sheets are that they may pay for someone to create the sheet but then not pay for the maintenance of that sheet.
So my suggestion is, contact Cubicle 7, ask them if they are still maintaining their sheet. If they are not, then ask someone in the community if they will step up and hopefully Cubicle 7 and/or Roll20 will allow them to maintain it.