Hi! Name's Nick (Discord - devilwearsadidas). I am looking for a couple players (2-3) for a dnd 5e campaign. More about that later, but first, I must express a couple of things first off: Importantly, I am looking for players that are looking to be part of a stream. This means that you have to have camera/audio enabled. We're trying to get a name and a face associated with the players. I do *not* care if you have experience or not, so long as you have a personality that can be addictive. As part of this, I want to run some games and see who fits the personality role. We've been trying to find the right people, and part of this is we've gone through a number of people so far. So, chances are if I'm full now, I probably won't be full later. If you're genuinely interested, send me a message! Secondly, attendance is everything . This may not be for everyone. I'm not looking for someone who wants to be casual, I am looking for someone who's going to show up. As part of streaming, it is customary to show up early. Monday at 8:00 PM eastern (florida) time is when the campaign *starts* so be early to make sure we have technical stuff ready. Personally, especially for a stream, attendance is so imperative. In the past, I've had players not show up when their backstory shows up because they needed to go pet their dog or whatever the reason was. I understand if power outages happen, I get that people get sick, but it should be something that you are committing to, so if you have a life where you don't know if you can make it or not, if things are hectic and you're not sure, then maybe this isn't the play. When these problems come up, I have to make a very hard choice of "do we continue, and I rewrite the whole session?" or "Do we just continue on and someone pilots their character?" There's just too much that goes into it, so it's really important that I find people that will show up. And on time. Next point. We're playing a veryyyy light campaign setting, nothing too crazy. We're doing Mines of Phandelver(subject to change because its very hard to follow any story line without a consistant group). The reason we're starting with this isn't to stream it, but to run a module to see how people interact with each other. If Sam and Suzy fight over treasure, one of them has to go. It's just not something that works for the stream. With this being said, I may ask you to leave, and I honestly mean no bad intentions, I am just looking for people that will fit the group that compliments each other. After we establish a stronger group, I am looking to START *my* campaign, completely homebrewed and I'm doing some final touch ups on the cosmos and whatnot... sometime early January to February. This is so that I find a strong group, establish the correct set of homebrew stuff everyone is comfortable with, and have time to make some of the encounters I have lined up look the best they can. Currently, we are working on Roll20 and Discord, a few sessions into the module. When we start the actual stream, I will be running my homebrew campaign that I have ran about 3 real good times and got most of the way through it, I'd say that it's something along the lines of Drama/Comedy/Mystery. I like revisiting characters and having the world move when you're moving. If you could, just message me on discord and ask for more details, tell me about yourself, tell me what your playstyle is, what classes you like, those kinds of things. Thanks for your time! Also, if I don't get back to you immediately, just be patient. I do have multiple jobs and I'm trying to get this all set up, tons of things going on, but trust me I will get back to you as soon as I can.