Ken S. said: I orginally posted this on the Suggestion forum. @Gauss had this thread unlocked so I'm reposting here. When I draw a shape on the VTT, I can select "persistence" and have
it remain until it click the trash can (or draw something new). I've
actually been using this for things like spell areas of effect, since
the player can draw exactly what they want, and we can all see which
tokens will be affected. With the Effects, the effect draws a
shape (for me as DM) while I'm drawing it, and then the animation plays
out (very quickly) and leaves nothing behind. I think it would be
useful if, after the effect is applied, it left something behind in the
shape originally drawns (at least for breath and beam efffects, and they
really need a circular "explosion" effect you can size, for things like
fireball). That way I can have a dragon breathe on the party, and
they'll all know (as will I) who was affected. As with drawn shapes,
there should be a way to dismiss this (trash can, select and delete,
etc). I don't think players can invoke effects (I couldn't see
a way to do this when I tried in a friends game, but I didn't test
extensively), but if they could, this is even more important, since the
DM needs to see specifically what the player was affecting. So: my suggestion is: add a "persist" slider on the effects pane, and if
activated have it leave an area marker behind (customizing this as to
color of outline and fill would be nice, although both could just derive
from the effect color) Allowing players to invoke the tool (which I can't see a way to do) would also be useful. Players can invoke effects with the /fx command, though that has some limits, such as not being able to specify locations without a token.