{ "angle": -1, "duration": 25, "emissionRate": 100, "isPointToPoint": true, "lifeSpan": 7, "lifeSpanRandom": 5, "maxParticles": 400, "rulerType": "line", "size": 10, "sizeRandom": 5, "speed": 7, "speedRandom": 5 } Hello, this is working at last! I’m not sure why it didn’t work yesterday, but at least I now have a solution for my missile. However, I’m having an issue with the Missile Basics FX. It seems that the Missile Basics FX has an incorrect angle property for aiming the FX. and i can't use it with my script (Is the only issue i have with aiming FX, i can use everything else), i think it's because the base angle was 0 instead of -1 Missile From the Effect FX tools page missile: { name: 'tool_fx_missile', maxParticles: 350, size: 7, sizeRandom: 3, lifeSpan: 7, lifeSpanRandom: 5, emissionRate: 50, speed: 7, speedRandom: 5, angle: 0, rulerType: 'line', duration: 25, isPointToPoint: true, },