Hello all ! I can't code a roll button, I'm unable to make it display what I intend. The die is a d100 and I intend to add and display the units result (ex. on 42 the damage added is 2, on 87, it's 7) as [RU] to the other items (which are named [*FOR] and [Arme] ) in the damage, displayed in the bold part below. "&{template:cmbt} {{pc=@{character_name}}} {{name=@{melee_nom} (COM)}} {{roll=[[(([[1d100]]-1)%10)+1]]}} {{roll=$[[0]]}}
{{target=[[@{COM}+(@{melee_mod})[Mod.]+(?{Bonus(+)/Malus(-)|0})[Bonus/Malus]]]}} {{dmg=[[@{BF}[*FOR]+(@{melee_deg})[Arme]]]}} " I think I must add $[[1]] somewhere, but I don't really understand the syntax, so all my tries have failed miserably so far. Can someone please hint me on this ?