Find it here A system agnostic adventure generator set aboard a mysterious inhuman spaceship! * System agnostic adventure a simple narrative based system designed to ‘bolt-on’ to any existing system, using dice rolls to create a 3 act adventure that can vary every time you run it. GM friendly Biomechanical Wreck utilises charts and dice rolls to help you make calls on random events, NPC abilities and dangerous hazards, all hyperlinked within hand-outs to make dice rolls and chart referencing easily accessible. Handouts A collection of high quality handouts to breathe life into the the creatures and alien technology your players will encounter. Battle maps fully realised high quality battle maps allowing you to capture your players’ imagination with enigmatic Biomechanical Wreck Tokens representing players, life-forms, hazards and discoveries Animated features Living elements of maps to create atmosphere Soundscapes Complete the adventure atmosphere with custom made audio for each map. Find it here