A friend/co-player of mine brought my attention to a new(ish) Final Fantasy ttrpg that is currently being demo'd <a href="https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/final-fantasy-trpg-legend-edition.2022/" rel="nofollow">https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/final-fantasy-trpg-legend-edition.2022/</a> I was wondering if there is anyone out there that has done character sheets(even just a basic fill-in model, doesn't need any real functionality) that would be willing to make a working character sheet for Roll20 that way me and friends could play this game in a more ordered fashion that just a bunch of text pages. I would do it myself but I am downright terrible at it having tried multiple times in the past to no good. Anyway, I offer my thanks to anyone willing to take up this request.