Hi all, really hope this hasn't been answered tons of times (I didn't find the answer I need at least). I'm a new creator, GM and Player of many RPG for many years, I decided to start creating some products for the market, both Roll20 and DMGuild/DriveThru. I decided to start from some homebrew magic items because it seemed a project small enough and easily incrementable (and also because my player where very excited with some of the items we created together for my actual campaign). The problem comes with the kind of roll20 object that I can create. I am a programmer, so I'm a great fan of macros and any sort of automation, and I would love make this automation available for anyone who buy my products, but it's really not clear how can I deliver that, or even if I can. Browsing through similar questions it seems my items should just be handouts, basically the same PDF I offer through DMGuild, and adding the relevant parts to the character sheets seems all up to the DMs/Players. Is this right? If I understood correctly the drag and drop option it's not available unless the content it's from an official compendium. Is this right? I'm not sure because the question I read where answered from the DM perspective not from the marketplace object perspective. Would it be possible to have this feature if my product was of another kind? Custom compeniums are not possible? If I include a custom item in an adventure the problem would be the same, right? if everything until this point is as I understood it... TL;DR What ways do I have to include automation in my productes? Most of my items would need to add resources/charges to the resource list, and many should add a macro to the token/sheet. Is there a way to write something like an add-on that take care of adding these features to a sheet automatically?