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The new D&D 2024 sheet is now available!

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D&D 2024 Charactermancer nigh unusable

Now that the 2024 PHB has been released I went ahead and tried to create a character. So far I am still trying because there's a lot that does not work or is outright wrong with it. During character creation you get warned in the bottom if you missed settings on a page. But e.g. after selecting Human (2024) the yellow exclamation mark stays, even though there is nothing further to select on that page: Same goes for the Skills tab. Everything has been selected and I´ve double checked that none of the skills have been double selected. Yet the charactermancer warns me that I missed something on this page. It even check marks each choice and there's nothing else to click on that page. Matter of fact, you can choose the same skill twice and the charactermancer will still give you green checkmarks. Class on the other hand shows the all green with options NOT selected yet. I like that the new content is tagged with "2024" and exists next to the old. However, that has not been done with the spells and since some spells have their description updated in 2024 this makes it tedious to find the right ones: And it is kind of hard to compare two identical named spells because when you open both and then scroll it also scrolls the opened spells. Why? And good luck trying to read the description of the last spell in the list because apparently you are not allowed to scroll to the bottom with opened spells. Now, the most annoying thing is that the level progression is not following the handbooks table. For example, a Warlock starts on Level 1 with 2 cantrips and 2 spells. On Level 2 they get another spell and no new cantrips. On Level 3 they get another spell and no new cantrips. On Level 4 they get another spell and a new cantrip. However, Charactermancer statically gives a cantrip and two spells each level. It does not care about the PHB progression table at all. So for a Level 10 Warlock I went ahead and only chose 10 spells and 4 cantrips, leaving the rest of the dropdowns empty. But then the Review tab complained I only chose 14 out of 32 spells? 32? Even with the wrong available options 3 per level from 2+ and 4 initial that would only be 31 choices. None of the 2024 Warlock Invocations have descriptions: Level requirements for Warlock Invocations are not present. I can take Devouring Blade at Level 2, which should not be possible. 2024 backgrounds lack.. basically everything. They do not tell you your starting equipment, which attributes you can increase, which Feat you get.. And this? The 2024 charactermancer feels like a hot mess.
Hi Hannes! Thanks for your detailed report. To be clear, we're still in the process of rollout this morning, and there's issues the team is still catching as we go. So some will be caught today as we finish launching, and others will be followed up on quickly! More from the team soon!
Thanks for the clarification, I assumed since the beta tag was removed when selecting "D&D 5E 2024" in the character builder it would be the release version already.
Dean said: Hi Hannes! Thanks for your detailed report. To be clear, we're still in the process of rollout this morning, and there's issues the team is still catching as we go. So some will be caught today as we finish launching, and others will be followed up on quickly! More from the team soon! So some additional feedback. Yesterday you mentioned that the rollout was still going on but today the same problems still exist that were encountered yesterday. I do realize now that, somewhat hidden in a blog post about the launch of the 2024 sheets, it was mentioned that the builder will remain in Beta for some more time. IMHO this should be communicated more clearly as the website and this forum both seem to suggest its a finished product: and Nowhere where a GM or player would look when using the site is it mentioned that this is not a working finished product. But, again IMHO, the 2024 sheet should not have been promoted as released either, as there are issues there as well. On first glance it works but digging a bit into it quickly reveals it does not offer the same features as the old 2014 sheets. Some examples: - Having the feature "Second Wind" and using its action rolls HP recovery in chat but does not update the HP within the sheet. That needs to be done manually, which is a hassle. - Drag & Drop feats like "Second Wind" into the sheet does not work. - Dragging a Potion of Healing into the works and the item does mention id adds an action called " Use Potion of Healing".. which does nothing. The action exists but all it does posts the text of "Potion of Healing" to the chat, instead of rolling the HP and applying the result to the sheets HP. - Level up is still disabled, this alone should prevent the 2024 sheet from being marked as "released" instead of "Beta". - Sheet management is still disabled. The bugged builder will set the characters max HP to 0 and theres no way to fix that in the 2024 sheet. Well, actually there is a way, which is to "Override Max HP", which then means that field cant be used for other ingame effects that temporarily raise max HP. - The Hit Dice for a character are not added and when trying to do that (hidden within the HP management menu) the class list is just empty. - When I add a "Rapier +2" as a weapon to my inventory I can create a new attack by using the Rapier as a "Linked Weapon". I assumed this could be used to e.g. create a Warlocks Pact Weapon and change the used attribute to charisma. However, it seems "Linked Weapon" does nothing. The +2 is missing for both, attack and damage, so I am unsure what "Linked Weapon" is supposed to do. - Attack rolling for 2024 spells works, damage rolling does not: - Rolling for tools and such does not add any modifiers. Instead it mentions "Query Attribute Coming Soon"... And when activating the "Query" button on top of the sheet and then clicking the tool under "Skills & Tools" does... nothing. - 2014 content, while technically compatible with the new 2024 rules, cant be added to the 2024 sheets. So until compatibility has been added it would be nice to at least have a toggle so content that is incompatible with the currently open sheet is hidden from the compendium. - Feats like "Fighting Style: Defense" (2024 version) or "Ring of Protection" (2014 version) do not add the +1 AC to the character. Instead one has to manually go into the feat or item, click "Add Modifiers" and add the +1 AC. Not that anything can be done about this in hindsight but I do wonder why Roll20 didn't make sure that the new 2024 rules first worked with the old sheets instead of releasing these half-cooked new sheets together with a builder that barely works.

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Here is an idea.... Just hear me out..... Dont release something that isnt at LEAST ready for basic use!!!! Bells and whistles be damned, if I cant use the sheet in the most basic way then it is pointless.
Thanks for all the continued updates, Hannes! I'll reply to a few of the more nuanced pieces below. The team is first prioritizing any issues with compendium and information populating on drag and drop. We have your great and detailed feedback logged to help in some of those. Automated level up is in the top 3 things up next on the fast follow roadmap. In the meantime, traditional leveling up is the only way, but we hope the streamlined compendium makes that a bit simpler. I know these automations are wanted now, and we're hungry for the full potential of the tool -- we'll be communicating actively on our path of properly implementing those leveling automations over the next ~3 weeks. For hiding / showing 2014 content, we are currently working on the ability to hide the 2014 SRD content from view if 2024 content exists. That will solve a lot of confusion points. As for hiding other purchased / owned content, that can all be done in game settings under compendium sharing, toggling off any books you don't want to see.  As for 2024 content working with the old sheet, our primary focus is on making sure 2014 / 2024 content works in our new 2024 sheet infrastructure. So while we'll still be doing work to ensure the 2014 sheet is a great option for 2014 rules and games, and where possible, better handling of 2024 content, our primary focus will be on all content working seamlessly in the 2024 sheet. But I like your idea of clear flagging of what works and what doesn't. Will discuss with team. Thanks for all the great info and communication!

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Dean said: Hi Hannes! Thanks for your detailed report. To be clear, we're still in the process of rollout this morning, and there's issues the team is still catching as we go. So some will be caught today as we finish launching, and others will be followed up on quickly! More from the team soon! Dean   I want to add some additional feedback, @Hannes covered most of the things I uncovered. So biggest additional feedback I need to cover: Back Button issues (Major Issue).  You suffer all the classic back button issues of a web app storing state incorrectly.  Sitting on a Mac with a track pad on an overly sensitive page it's not hard to scroll using two fingers and accidentally "back button" the page.  I ended up post charactermancer with a 26 Cha and 20 something con because bonuses got added multiple times.  This corrupts characters in a non-recoverable way because of the next item.. Ability to get to, remove, and re-add all abilities like we had on the old sheets (Major Issue).  Especially with all the bugs you have going on now I need this ability to clear out garbage that gets added.  Further, if we want to create our own Origins I can't remove feats you have added.  In comparison DND One allows the option for custom Origins baked into their character builder (with all the appropriate choices).  However, I think it's simpler and more powerful to give us the ability to simply modify and remove things. Ability to rename everything (this may overlap with above) (Medium Issue).  We pretty much had this on the old character sheets but it gave us the powerful ability to reskin any class.  I could make a Telekinetic Warrior simply by renaming and redescribing a Monk and you would never know (literally don't change damage types or alter any rules ... you just redescribe everything and suddenly your ability to deflect attacks is a force field and your punches are short range telekinetic strikes).  I can't do that now with your character sheets.  You block creativity with silly restrictions you never used to have. I don't know if @Hannes covered this but your species/races are not properly adding skills (Minor issue).  When I selected elf I never got to select the skills granted by Keen Senses.  I could manually overcome this one because you did add an edit.
+1  Dean said: ... For hiding / showing 2014 content, we are currently working on the ability to hide the 2014 SRD content from view if 2024 content exists. That will solve a lot of confusion points.
I don't understand. Everywhere I go I'm getting bombarded by advertisement that the new 2024 character sheet is out and how great it is. I spent a lot of money for this product based on the promise I could run a campaign with the new rules on day 1. Instead, they truth is this is a completely broken beta.  Dean is over hear talking like the team is working on some quality of life fixes, while the entire thing simply does not work at all. 
Carnie DM said: I don't understand. Everywhere I go I'm getting bombarded by advertisement that the new 2024 character sheet is out and how great it is. I spent a lot of money for this product based on the promise I could run a campaign with the new rules on day 1. Instead, they truth is this is a completely broken beta.  Dean is over hear talking like the team is working on some quality of life fixes, while the entire thing simply does not work at all.  Sadly, this is nothing new.  You will get a few faces posting in positive tones about how great everything is coming along rather than admitting they missed the mark.  If they do eventually come out and admit to the shortcomings, it will be far into the future and will be portrayed as a learning experience and unforeseen issues that there was no way they could have ever expected. A good rule of thumb is any new feature that Roll20 creates, give it at least a month before trying to use it.  They have a history of releasing poorly-tested features and then relying on the userbase to perform free QA for them. -Adam