Hello, I just had the new Valda’s Spire of Secrets add on (will refer to it as VSS for the rest of this post) gifted to me and I’m having trouble with it. Whenever I try to make a character using the charactermancer, the base class features for the original classes from VSS load properly, but it just refuses to load any subclass features. For example when I’m making a Warden, the base class features of the warden class appear in my sheet, but no features from the Stoneheart Defender subclass appears on my sheet. Spell casting classes also seem to be improperly implemented. So far I’ve only tried this with the Witch class but they’re just now implemented as uh…spell casters? As they simply don’t have spell slots by default. They can also only select the spells from VSS in charactermancer, even though spells for the SRD are part of their spell lists. I’m wondering if this is a problem with the add on itself or if something’s going wrong with me. Has anybody that also bought this add on encountered a problem like this? For reference I’m not using the new 2024 sheets and am still using the old sheets.