I'm currently using the following macro for Cure Light Wounds:
&{template:2Espell}{{title=@{selected|token_name} casts Cure Light Wounds on @{target|token_name}}}{{school=Necromancy}}{{sphere=Healing}}{{splevel=Level 1 Priest}}{{components=V,S}}{{time=5 Segments}}{{range=Touch}}{{duration=Instant}}{{aoe=Creature Touched}}{{save=Spell}} !modbattr --silent --charid @{target|character_id} --hp|{{Roll=[[1D8]]}}!!!
I would like to modify so that it will do minimum healing of the level of the Priest, up to the max of the spell. So for example a 3rd level Priest would heal 3-8 points, while a 9th level Priest would automatically heal the full 8 points allowed as max for the spell. I do have a Pro acct if that is necessary to accomplish this.