I also have a number of problems with the display of "My Marketplace Items"
1. Initially on selection, the screen shows a number of the items I do own but not all them. As I scroll down it starts to add an ever increasing and random list of items some of which I do own, but most I do not. In short, I can never just get a screen (or two) of just the things I do own.
2. For each Dungeon module purchased, I get typically 4 graphics covering the module and related compendium, art & tokens .... but... unless the graphic includes the description of the item within the image, you have no idea which of the 4 items is which without opening up each one. A good example is the Lost Mines of Phandelver.
3. I also seem to have many items in my marketplace list that I have never owned, downloaded or even clicked on but I cannot remove them. They all seem to be futuristic/Scifi/cyberpunk titles which I have no interest in. Similarly, this is also true of my Compendium list which also has a scattering of such unwanted "rules".
All in all, my Compendium & Market place lists are awash with unwanted items and getting unmanageable. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Mark.