I've adapted for my character an old code found here, but the blurb is not showing up correctly, can someone help? @{Marisha|whispertype} &{template:rolls} {{limit_height=@{Marisha|roll_limit_height}}} {{charactername=@{Marisha|character_name}}} {{header=Heal}} {{subheader=^{necromancy} ^{divine} ^{spell}}} {{desc=You channel positive energy to heal the living or damage the undead. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d10 Hit Points. If the target is undead, you deal that amount of positive damage to it, and it gets a basic Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters. [one-action] (somatic) The spell has a range of touch. [two-actions] (verbal, somatic) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you're healing a living creature, increase the Hit Points restored by 8. [three-actions] (material, somatic, verbal) You disperse positive energy in a 30-foot emanation. This targets all living and undead creatures in the burst. **Heightened (+1)** The amount of healing or damage increases by 1d10, and the extra healing for the 2-action version increases by 8.}} {{info02_name=^{cast}}} {{info02=one to three actions}} {{info03_name=^{traits}}} {{info03=healing, positive}} {{info04_name=^{range}}} {{info04=varies}} {{info05_name=^{target}}} {{info05=1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature}} {{info06_name=^{area}}} {{info06=}} {{info07_name=^{duration}}} {{savedc=[[@{Marisha|spell_dc}[SPELL DC] + 0[@{Marisha|text_misc}]]]}} {{savetype=^{fortitude}}} {{savebasic=true}} 0 {{roll02_name=Healing}} {{roll02=?{Number of Actions| 1-Action, ?{Heal Spell Level&#124 1, [[1d10]] 1-Action Level 1 | 2, [[2d10]] 1-Action Level 2 | 3, [[3d10]] 1-Action Level 3 | 4, [[4d10]] 1-Action Level 4 | 5, [[5d10]] 1-Action Level 5 | 6, [[6d10]] 1-Action Level 6 | 7, [[7d10]] 1-Action Level 7 | 8, [[8d10]] 1-Action Level 8 | 9, [[9d10]] 1-Action Level 9 | 10, [[10d10]] 1-Action Level 10 } | 2-Actions, ?{Heal Spell Level&#124 1, [[1d10+1*8]] 2-Action Level 1 | 2, [[2d10+2*8]] 2-Action Level 2 | 3, [[3d10+3*8]] 2-Action Level 3 | 4, [[4d10+4*8]] 2-Action Level 4 | 5, [[5d10+5*8]] 2-Action Level 5 | 6, [[6d10+6*8]] 2-Action Level 6 | 7, [[7d10+7*8]] 2-Action Level 7 | 8, [[8d10+8*8]] 2-Action Level 8 | 9, [[9d10+9*8]] 2-Action Level 9 | 10, [[10d10+10*8]] 2-Action Level 10 } | 3-Actions, ?{Heal Spell Level&#124 1, [[1d10]] 3-Action Level 1 | 2, [[2d10]] 3-Action Level 2 | 3, [[3d10]] 3-Action Level 3 | 4, [[4d10]] 3-Action Level 4 | 5, [[5d10]] 3-Action Level 5 | 6, [[6d10]] 3-Action Level 6 | 7, [[7d10]] 3-Action Level 7 | 8, [[8d10]] 3-Action Level 8 | 9, [[9d10]] 3-Action Level 9 | 10, [[10d10]] 3-Action Level 10 } }}} {{roll02_type=HEALING}} {{roll02_info=}}