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[LFG] [Saturdays or Sundays/Tuesdays or Wednesdays] [US times] Experienced, friendly and fairly jokey fellas looking for DM. Super open to many systems and learning new ones.

Hello to anyone who reads this, and I very much appreciate your time for it.  My names Logan (He/Him), and my bestie (Tyde) and I have been playing these games for well over 6-7 years now together. With myself as essentially the forever DM with a few spots in between with us as both players. In recent years here though, it's gone back to just me pretty much running the games, and I do love it, but I'd also love to get back to playing again, especially with my buddy. We're both incredibly chill, open-minded, joke around a good bit, and are in our 30's at this point, so mature humor, subject matter, everything is on the table for us as far as we're concerned, as long as it's fun for everyone at the table. RP is also very important to us; we love playing heavily into whatever narrative whoever's weaving it has in mind for us and eat up any and all world lore or settings, big or small. As well as background and character-centric stuff. The collaborative storytelling is the most fun aspect of these games for us, as well as playing off each other to put it all together in every regard and riffing and improving. Whether it's exploring the world, going on missions/quests, or whatever else, along with the combat in-between if there is any. We love it all. But I'd be lying if I said RP and exploration weren't higher on our favorites list. But we also very much appreciate and enjoy combat and heavy combat. But above all else, we're just in it to have fun and tell stories. No pressure or expectations.  Our schedules aren't particularly tight, though Tyde works nights which makes it a little scattered. I have Saturdays and Sunday's fully off, and Tyde is able to play either day usually around 2-3pm EST(7-8 pm UTC) for start times those days, and he has Tuesdays and Wednesdays off, which would have the later afternoons open to me after work. Around 6-7pm EST(11-12 pm UTC). Tuesday would be best for those days though I will say, just so Tyde doesn't have to watch his timeframe for work. As for our game preferences. We're cool with DND, we've been playing that as the standard system for most of the years we've known each other. Though I'll be honest, we are considerably burnt out on it, and would love to try new systems, or move over to other systems we've enjoyed briefly as well. (IE, All the Kevin Crawford games, Stars, Worlds, Cities etc. Vampire the Masquerade, Pathfinder 2E, Open Legend, Burning Wheel, Spaceships and Starwyrms.) Just to name a few.  Now something else I'd be more than happy to provide to whoever's interested. I run my games through Forge-Vtt these days, and by proxy Foundry. So I'd be happy to set you up a server in there to run it for us, as well as provide access to a number of maps, tokens and various books I've gathered in my gaming tenure. If you'd prefer to run it through Roll-20 though, that's also more than cool with us, we still use it from time to time, and I would still be happy to provide the other things should ya want em.  Regardless though, I'd just love to start actually playing together with my buddy again.  Thanks again to anyone for reading all this. 
I can run any type of game you guys wanna play. Is there anything in particular you're looking for? Send me an instant message.

Edited 1727501997
Howdy, I burnt out hard on D&amp;D in the 3.0 days and never recovered, and otherwise we have some overlap in our systems (I played a TON of cWoD in its day, am a big BWHQ fan though have done a lot more Torchbearer than Burning Wheel itself). Our styles seem well aligned, too. This is what I am considering currently:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The night time slots match, the day time ones do not. If you're interested post in that thread. If not no prob and good luck!