Right now there are one more bugs that are likely affecting all sheets and all games that rely on sheet workers. I am raising awareness of these isues because they could be affecting many games where players are incorrectly blaming the sheet or GM. They have been reported in threads, but there has been no official announcement and there should be, since this will be making some games unplayable. In this post, I'll post known errors and steps you can take to reproduce them (if you have sheet-editing ability). There are NO fixes for these errors - only the Roll20 devs can fix these. Some threads talk about these issues being Jumpgate issues, because they were first reported in jumpgate games over a month ago. but just over a week ago, these issues started to affect all games, whether they were on Jumpgate or not. One persuasive theory I've seen is hat this coincides with the release of the new D&D sheet, but I won't be spending much effort in lookign for the source. Instead I'll be talking about how the problem affects you. The two main threads this has been mentioned in: Character Sheet Forum (may need to be a Pro user to visit): <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/12013456/it-seems-jumpgate-beta-causes-issues-with-character-sheets" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/12013456/it-seems-jumpgate-beta-causes-issues-with-character-sheets</a> Bug Report: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/12054927/sheet-triggers-seem-buggy-today/?pageforid=12070330#post-12070330" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/12054927/sheet-triggers-seem-buggy-today/?pageforid=12070330#post-12070330</a> SHEET WORKERS NOT TRIGGERING Sheet workers are used by many sheets to automatically update attribute values, and if fact are the preferred method of doing this so have been pushed by experienced sheet creators for many years (including me!). So it's very worrying that they aren't reliable now. Over in this thread , Vince pasted some code to reproduce the error. I've streamlined that code a bit. It's all HTML. <!-- VINCE code for revealing an "odd" error --> < input type = "number" name = "attr_ONE" value = "0" /> < input type = "number" name = "attr_TWO" value = "0" /> < input type = "number" name = "attr_THREE" value = "0" /> < input type = "number" name = "attr_FOUR" value = "0" /> < br > < input type = "number" name = "attr_ONE_report" value = "0" readonly /> < input type = "number" name = "attr_TWO_report" value = "0" readonly /> < input type = "number" name = "attr_THREE_report" value = "0" readonly /> < input type = "number" name = "attr_FOUR_report" value = "0" readonly /> < script type = "text/worker" > [ 'ONE' , 'TWO' , 'THREE' , 'FOUR' ]. forEach ( att => { on ( `change: ${ att . toLowerCase () } ` , function ( eventInfo ){ getAttrs ([ att ], function ( values ) { console . log ( ` ${ eventInfo . sourceAttribute } : ${ eventInfo . newValue } ` ); const score = parseInt ( values [ att ]) || 0 ; setAttrs ({ [ ` ${ att } _report` ]: score }); }); }); }); </ script > If you try changing the top row of values, the first and third colums you try will not work, but the 2nd and 4th will. This order appears to be the order you try to change values, not necessarily the order on the sheet. After a while, the error becomes intermittent. Some columns that didnt work before start to work. Te error is most evident on first refresh of a campaign. MORE ODDITIES IN REPEATING SECTIONS There is also a similar error in repeating sections.This appears to be registering only every second event in repeating sections. This causes a number of serious issues. Here's the HTML you can use to reproduce the error: <!-- Showing the bug in repeating sections, click only the checkbox repetedly and watch the number change --> < fieldset class = "repeating_test" > < input type = "checkbox" name = "attr_test" value = "1" > < input type = "number" name = "attr_report" value = "0" > </ fieldset > < script type = "text/worker" > on ( 'change:repeating_test:test' , () => { getAttrs ([ 'repeating_test_test' , 'repeating_test_report' ], v => { const report = parseInt ( v . repeating_test_report ) || 0 ; const test = parseInt ( v . repeating_test_test ) || 0 ; setAttrs ({ repeating_test_report: ( report == test + 1 ) ? test + 2 : report + 1 }); }); }); </ script > With that code in place, try to change any checkbox value (either checking or unchecking it). The number next to it will only increase on every 2nd change. You can spread this across different rows. Select the first checkbox - no change. Select the checkbox in the second row, the number on that row changes. Unlike the above error, this seems very consistent. If you have any experience of these errors, please post.