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Any 3.5e Campaigns looking for a Monk?

I am desperately trying to join somebodies game, but I don't get any replies. I play a Monk. He's currently at LVL 1 and I have a mythweaver character sheet for him here.

Edited 1411688208
Just keep an eye out for 3,5 games =) you will find something eventually! Look in the Looking for group section too, I find games all the time when I'm looking. Your mythweavers character sheet is private alot so no one can actually see it. You will have to change that up! I saw a few 3,5 games today but i think they are full by now! Just try checking from time to time! helps to show you are friendly etc! i usualy replay to the post they search players in, And send a PM to the GM or the person who made the thread telling them abit about my self and what i expect in a game. Usualy makes you stand out and the GM knows what he is getting! win win for everyone!
Jered, make sure your sheet is set to viewable. I can't view it. It's the eye icon on the main sheets page.
OK, I fixed the charactersheet
Hey man just wanted to point out that you should have 32 skill points to use at lv 1 and you are using 52, Also your arrays (your str dex etc) are totally wrong, that might be why you are not getting any answers. Try looking for a beginner friendly game where the GM or the player can help you make your character, You can still use your background story but your stats are way off the charts for a lv 1. A standard point buy is around 25 points, your stats show me that you are using about 74 points. for comparison a High powered character made to absolutely destroy normal npc's and though monsters use 32 points. You are using 74.
What's wrong with 18,18,16,16,18,14. Seems legit.
Three 18s is a bit much I only use one in the heroic stats I give my players
I just roll the dice and take what I get 4d6 and take away the lowest #
and what do you mean by arrays?
an array is the name you call your stats 18,18,16,16,18,14 is 1 array, 10,11,10,18,15,12 is another. Just thought you did point buy wrong, three 18's and two 16's are very very lucky rolls and your character will be very over powered. Just thought you put it in randomly! Hope you find a game =) was just trying to help.
Oh I didn't mean to combat your comment. I thought they were lucky too. My luck in game is much worse than out of game so maybe that will balance it out. thank you for the input though. maybe for the sake of it i will drop all the stats by 1 or 2.
lol. very legit rolls indeed. when nobody witnesses it

Edited 1411858375
Daedalus said: lol. very legit rolls indeed. when nobody witnesses it No need to be an asshole. Give constructive critic
Accurate Spelling and Less Vulgar Language for these forum posts, sir!
Ditto on my last post to you again. This time you might understand it.
wow, "give constructiv critic", yet you use profanity? not sure the spelling mistakes or the curse word is more appalling
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