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[5e] [Paid-14€] [Online] [Wednesdays] [GMT+1] Legends of Elsir Vale

This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of 14€ through Paypal or Wise in advance of each session. Link to Listing Currently have 1 spot open for this campaign This campaign is currently running weekly with 5 players, we have recently completed the second campaign and the party is about to embark on their next adventure, we are therefore looking for a 6th person to join our great group. We have been playing weekly without interrupts for 89 sessions. About the Adventure: After the goblin wars 4 years prior, the people of the Elsir Vale are still rebuilding, and things are looking well. Lord Kerdan Jarmaath has since the wars been crowned ruler of The Vale and has recently sent an invite to former heroes of the goblin wars, to help him with a rising problem in the east of the vale. The eastern towns of the vale are being raided by an unknown enemy, leaving behind belongings, and only mindlessly killing the locals. Lord Kerdan wishes the former trusted heroes of the vale to go investigate what’s attacking the eastern towns. The game will see the party be faced against some of the most iconic enemies in DnD, dealing with mighty gods and hordes of undead trying to break into the material plane, it is up to our heroes to figure out how to save the Vale and the world at large. This campaign will reward exploration greatly, and there's no single way to solve an encounter, this higher-level campaign will highly depend on creativity and tactical thinking to overcome problems. The party is currently level 12, and you would join the group at this level. I would work well with you to create and weave your character into the world in some way and have you as smoothly as possible be introduced. This campaign as a whole: The game will be set in the forgotten realms setting, however, I use the setting as a framework from which there might be slight differences. I view this as 'our' Forgotten Realms. These stories are designed as the classic good vs evil medieval high fantasy story, where the players are all part of a grander scheme of things going on in the world. I would as such work diligently with you to weave your character into the story in a satisfying way so that you have a sense of stake in the world. The campaigns and stories I run are well suited for people completely new to D&D, I have had great success in the past introducing new players to D&D. The campaigns are also well suited to veterans that are looking for a stable group to play with weekly, I pride myself on the stability and consistency of my groups which never misses a session, and you can rely on a weekly consistency. About the DM Hello! I am a 31-year-old Dane, who loves all things fantasy (especially Tolkien). In the last few years, I have completely fallen for D&D, ever since I saw the very first session of Critical Role, I have since then started running my own games. I enjoy running games and creating a fun experience for my players. I endeavour to create the best experience for all my players and to deliver a great engrossing story for them to explore. I take great inspiration from Matt Colville and I like to run my games and campaigns by the rule of cool, if you have something you would like to do, then we’ll make it work (within reason of cause) I currently run multiple groups a week with over 6000 hours logged on Roll20 I would consider myself a professional DM. I am very thankful that I’m able to supplement my student income by doing something that brings happiness to others. The current groups I got running have each been going on for well over 4 years now, so I’m very familiar with running long games, where you can really get a chance to dive down into the world with your characters. How I run the game I employ professional made battle maps, area maps and other supporting art, so there will always be something for your eye to explore while the game is on. I use plenty of ambience and thematical music throughout the session to improve the feel and bring you into the story. I use hand-outs for magical items, found lore, notes and other items found during the game, many of these custom-made for the group. Even though this is a premade adventure then I only use it as a framework from which I add a lot of my own spin to the story, and flesh out many areas in greater detail, so every place and every person you encounter will feel like a living person in the world. Even if you know the adventure at hand, then you can expect many hidden plots and expansive elements added to the story. The aim of the game is for all involved to have fun. This never comes at the expense of someone else’s, so my main focus point when running the game will always be to ensure everyone leaves at the end of a session feeling satisfied. I usually communicate with players between sessions, to judge the feeling for the campaign, and to gather feedback etc. I pride myself on my commitment to your game and group, and the stability at which my games are run. I try to keep combat running fast and smooth bringing a lot of energy to the game. What players to expect You should expect players of the same calibre and frame of mind as yourself, as I aim to get a group with the same ideals and wants from the campaign. So there will be a bit of an interview process to guarantee the best player chemistry. I have had great success in the past doing this and managed to get good group chemistries, as can be seen with my current groups running uninterrupted for over a year now. Quick details Schedule: Weekly, Wednesdays (Final time is to be decided, but will start between 18:00 and 20:00 GMT+1) Game Length: 3 hours per session. Starting Level: 12 Finishing Level: 18 Maximum Group Size: 6 players We will use roll20 to play on Discord server for you players as a group and connection in and out of the game Voice only required About the price Session 0 and session 1 will be free, to allow you as a player to get a feel for how I DM and run the game. Why pay? Running a game takes a lot of planning and out of session effort; I also invest a lot of what I might earn back into the campaigns, buying professional maps, and images, Roll20 subscription etc. Paying also ensures that you will be in for quality and that I will never cancel a session. In my experience with paid games players are also more invested and this allows for greater gameplay experience, more stability, and all-around a higher quality experience. Payment Payment will be made through Paypal or Wise. Whichever service you find easiest, Wise has much better transfer fees and currency exchange, so I would suggest using this one. You can pay weekly or pay monthly. (All my players prefer the latter, as it’s easier to keep track of) If you should be unable to attend a session then you still have to pay for said session. You’re buying into the “spot” in the campaign. This I believe ensures the highest level of attendance and commitment from the other players as well, increasing the enjoyment of the game. If I should cancel a session for any reason, then your payment will just carry over to the next session, so far in my 4 years of running paid games I have had to cancel only twice so you can expect a game every week. Character creation Ability scores: For this campaign, we will use 27 Point buy (I allow for stats to be generated between 6 and 16, before racial modifiers) If you’re a completely new player and not sure about making a character then I have a few premade characters that would weave into the story in different ways, this can be explored if you want to use them, or maybe take inspiration from their backstories to make something of your own. I like to work player characters into the story in some way, down the road or right from the start. So when creating your character I like to be involved and work with you to make your dreams and the story you wish to explore reality. I would recommend that if you have a character in mind, it would be beneficial to create the character to fit the world, rather than expecting the world to fit your character. Further details about character creation will be discussed prior to the game. Homebrew rules Potions: Using a Potion (of any kind) on yourself is a bonus action, whereas using it on others is an action. Health: You will roll for Hit Points upon levelling, however, if you roll below the average, you may take the average instead. "your rolling to try and get above the average" Death Save: Death Saves will be rolled by the unconscious player and shared only with the DM. This is to avoid metagame knowledge and introduce a sense of urgency when someone goes down. Being knocked unconscious: First time in combat is the normal rules, 2nd time you're knocked unconscious on the same day, you will take a point of exhaustion, 3rd time another point and so on. This is an attempt to portray the stress that is put upon the character's body through the traumas of being knocked out. Flanking: Flanking will not give advantage on attacks but instead be a +2 to your attack roll, you will get a +1 if you're not directly opposite your ally, opening up a larger flanking angle. This rule also applies to enemies. Other house rules will be discussed as the game goes on and when they become relevant. I use a homebrewed version of falling rules, making falling a lot more deadly, no longer can a raging barbarian jump off a 1000ft cliff and survive the fall. General rules of conduct Please try to design a character that will be able to work as a team and function with the rest of the party. Be nice and accepting: If a player is abusive or discriminatory towards another player or myself, they will be promptly removed from the game. This is to ensure everyone plays in a fun and safe environment. There is a zero-tolerance policy for this kind of behaviour. The game is about having fun if you feel you’re not having as much as you would want, talk to me and we might be able to change things for the better. I make a big point out of talking to my players between sessions and adjusting the game according to the feedback. Please respect your fellow players and your DM. I would ask that everyone acts friendly towards one another and give others an equal chance to share the spotlight. No one's fun comes at the expense of someone else's. Application If you’re interested in joining then please go ahead and fill out the form below, and reply to this thread with as much detail as you can to give me a good first-hand impression. From your application, I pick those that would most fit the group and go onto further interviews with you on discord. I hope to hear from anyone interested! Application Template    Name (Real or what you prefer to be called by):  Age:  Pronoun:  The country you’re from:  Time zone you're currently in:  What kind of story/game are you after?:  What will you bring to the group?:  What would your ideal group look like? (what kind of people would you usually get along with?):  What experience have you got with DnD, 5e, Roll20, and RP in general?  Played any premade campaigns before? if so which ones? Which starting time would work best for you?:  Anything else?:  Questions for me?:
Hey, one of the players from the DM's games here. I've been playing in his games for almost 4 years now and I can honestly say that it's been a blast.  I've enjoyed how much effort he puts into the world and npcs to keep everything feeling alive. The game has a nice balance of combat and RP, my group has strongly leaned into the RP elements of the game recently and having a DM that matches that tone and encourages character development has been unbelievable. From my experiences in other games this has been well worth the price and our DM has more then earned his due.  If you on the fence about the game I would 100% recommend trying the first 2 free sessions, you won't be disappointed.
Been a paid player with DM: Cavaire for nearly 4 years. The commitment and consistency of the group is exactly what every D&D player seeks... Cavaire is an attentive and reasonable DM, taking note of the balance and flow of the party, peppering in magic items of varying degrees of power to keep the players relevant and engaged. He's keenly aware of power creeps and is able to scale combat and other challenges to meet our party's ability, keeping the sessions on edge with realistic threats and a true sense of accomplishment. He's great at ensuring each member of the party has moments in the spotlight and making their characters relevant to the campaign. The NPCs presented are equally lovable and despicable according to their purpose. The ambient music brings RP scenes and combat to life. The high-quality maps include environmental elements that can be used to influence the battle. The house rules are a reasonable compromise between RAW and RAI, tried and tested through many years of gameplay. Maybe you're a player who's used to playing free-to-play sessions... you get what you pay for. If you pour every ounce of your passion into your characters, you deserve to play in a group with a DM who does the same with his campaigns. Upgrade to the paid sessions and experience the best of what D&D can offer. You don't know what you're missing. Worth every penny.
We only have 1 spot open for this campaign now, looking to hopefully start up the next leg of the journey on the 16th. If anyone is interested in joining this adventure or have any questions then please feel free to apply or ask away! Im hopeing to hear from those that are interested

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I've played in three campaigns with Cavaire now: Red Hand of Doom (conversion from 3e), Rime of the Frostmaiden and now Scales of Light (conversion from 4e) and each one has been awesome. He takes the source material and makes so much more out of it.  The games are totally reliable - no missed sessions, total consistency. The other big bonus is the mutual respect for other players that he fosters amongst his groups. There are no D&D horror stories here. Honestly, just give it a go, if you like D&D - you'll like his games!
The party lineup is shaping up to be something truly special: Charlotte, the Human Arcane Archer/Arcane Trickster : An aspiring Harper and master of the longbow, she serves as both the party’s clever strategist and its in-game (and out-of-game!) information keeper. Always ready with a wild, unconventional plan, she brings excitement and unpredictability to every encounter. Midas, the Human Draconic Sorcerer/Lore Bard : A bard with a mysterious gold dragon lineage he doesn’t quite understand. Nicknamed the party’s treasurer, Midas can’t resist gathering every bit of gold he finds. His mix of bardic charm and draconic power adds a dash of intrigue to every situation. Walton, the Human Samurai Fighter : The unyielding moral compass of the group. Often dubbed "The Stonewall," Walton is the party’s anchor—keeping them grounded and steering them toward practical, smart decisions. He has stood alone against impossible odds more than once, holding the line when all seemed lost. Giselle, the Aasimar Celestial Sorcerer : Chosen by Eilistraee but often doubting her own powers, Giselle’s divine magic shines brightest when the party faces their darkest moments. A healer with the blessing of the gods, she ensures her allies make it through even the bleakest of battles. We’ve also locked in our 5th member, though the exact details are still being finalized. It looks like we’ll have a Paladin of Lathander joining the party—summoned by Lord Kerdan Jarmaath to investigate a string of gruesome murders in Red Rock. If this band of heroes sounds like a group you’d love to adventure with, we’re looking for one more brave soul to round out our party! Whether you’re a veteran player or brand new to D&D, everyone is welcome. This campaign promises months—maybe even years—of thrilling adventures, and we’d love for you to be a part of it. Don’t worry about starting at a higher level—I'm experienced in introducing new players, and I take care to ensure everyone feels right at home. So if you’re ready for an epic journey, apply today!
As someone whos played with Cavaire since the beginning of 2020 I cant recommend him enough as a DM! Our sunday games are the best way to end a week, and as a DM hes reliable, fun, and it shows how much time hes put into every session. I myself was not a very seasoned dnd player at the beginning, but he makes one feel confident to play and helps with things along the way. Hes also not afraid to think outside of the box when it comes to charcter creation. The sessions have a nice balance between RP and combat, and the overarching story always feel satisfying. He makes sure there is room for everyone in the game (even at the time we were seven PCs at the table) and ensures the group dynamic works well. In my opinion its worth every penny!
As we gear up for the next chapter in this epic adventure, exciting changes are brewing within the party! Fresh concepts are taking shape, and some shifts in character classes are on the horizon. Midas, our seasoned war hero from the Red Hand War, seems to be stepping into retirement, with the player crafting a brand-new character—a Way of Mercy Monk ! And with the recent addition of our 5th player, we’re seeing the shift from a paladin of Lathander to a righteous Bladesinger Wizard . These characters are shaping up to be incredible, and I, as DM, am thrilled to see how they’ll evolve in our next adventure—one that invites deep exploration and immersion. When our heroes are thrown into an alien world, how will they survive? What choices will define them? If any of these story elements intrigue you but you're still on the fence, remember: Session 0 and Session 1 are free , offering you the chance to experience my DM style before fully committing. I take great pride in the consistency and stability of my games, and I can’t wait to see who joins us on this journey.
I have also been a player since the beginning of 2020. We are on campaign 3 or 4 depending on how you look at it. I look forward to our weekly session, every single week.  I've played in various other groups and this is the one that stuck.  The balance of encounters and rp has always been good, and the rules have changed in minors ways over time as needed, to fit the party/campaign best. Not only do i enjoy our games but i enjoy the stories about the other groups Cavaire has. There's a thousand things that could be said but the biggest teller of my expereince is the fact that i have been here almost 5 years with no plans of leaving.
Following up on what Trey said, the groups I run are always eager to hear about each other’s adventures and how they handle encounters. Every now and then, there’s even a crossover event! For example, the Sunday group recently faced a homebrewed mini sports game—and I brought in the Monday group to compete as their rivals. Now, next Monday, the Sunday group will have to see if they can keep their victory streak going, or if the Monday group can claim the win. Both groups are pumped and equally confident they’ll come out on top! We still have one spot open for this grand campaign, and an exciting adventure is waiting for you! Feel free to apply or ask any questions—I'd be happy to help.
Hey folks! I've only got into DND last year and have been playing with Cavaire as DM for close to a year soon! As a newbie i have not had any experience before, except for watching the shit out of Critical Role, so i was kind of nervous joining the "pros" :'D But it's not an understatement to say it was one of the best decisions ever to join his campaign! I have been welcomed warmheartedly, my character idea was quickly interwoven with the story (since i joined mid campaign), Cavaire always listens to my ideas regarding the character, helped building him and has done an amazing job making this whole game feel close to heart. I love the balance of exciting Rp and challenging combat, all the secrets in between and mind bending fckery here and there!  The way he DMs is absolutely professional, building images in our minds with beautifully described scenes, adding to it with many visuals, sound and cool maps! He seems to be prepared for everything and i love the flow of our games. I'm always looking forward to the next session, thinking about how it might go and get surprised each time with fun new story hooks or shocking twists. It is absolutely worth to pay your DM! You can expect you DND addiction to be sated every week with a guarantee of fun, adventure, secrets and heartbreak! - The dream of any DND Nerd <3
I don’t often share the campaign name upfront, but I’m thrilled to announce that we’ll be diving into City of the Spider Queen —the award-winning 3rd edition campaign by James Wyatt! This adventure will see our heroes torn from the comforts of their surface lives and thrust into the perilous depths of the Underdark, where they must stop a vengeful drow goddess from unleashing chaos on the world above. In the wake of Lolth’s silence, a new power is rising in the city of Maerimydra , and it's up to our party to uncover the truth, navigate the treacherous Underdark, and face off against some of D&D’s most iconic enemies. Stripped from civilization, our heroes will make tough, heart-wrenching decisions and confront deadly obstacles that will test their resolve and faith at every turn. But even in the darkest corners, unexpected allies may emerge. This campaign rewards creativity, resourcefulness, and problem-solving , where there’s never just one way to overcome a challenge. We’re still looking for one brave soul to join this epic journey through the deepest, darkest corners of Faerûn. If you're ready to face the dangers of the Underdark and stop this rising threat, now’s your chance to be a part of something unforgettable!
Hello, another player from the DM's games here. I've been playing in 2 of his campains for 2 years and they've been one of my favourites so far. Not just because of the story settings (Lost Mine of Phandelver and Red Hand of Doom) but also because I found a great group of players to play these stories out with along with an amazing DM. Cavaire is one of my favourite DMs - he allows chaos to reign but also knows how to reign us, the chaotic players that we are, in; he allows us to roleplay to our hearts content and there's been several sessions where we've basically done nothing but roleplay - and it had nothing to do with the plot progressing. He knows how to create great and immersive battles where I'm always on the edge of my seat to see what happens next. He's great at making sure each player's character gets their moment in the spotlight and with him I've had the opportunity to have one of the greatest character development arcs. His campaigns are also one of those that I don't want to miss at any cost - I think the campaigns I've played with Cavaire had been the most consistent.
One of the coolest things about my experience with DM Cavaire so far has been his willingness to dive deep into adventures published in previous editions and his extraordinary effort to bring them to life within the rules of 5e... there's a delicate balance and attention to detail that he brings to the adventure to retain the challenges of the original content while seamlessly blending it to the context of the 5e rules. For players that have only been on the scene since 5e began, it's an awesome opportunity to revisit classic adventures from previous editions. While D&D editions and rules have changed, the stories and challenges posed from older editions don't necessarily need to fade away. Cavaire brings them to relevance out of passion and love for the game. Some DMs thrive within homebrewed worlds and campaigns, but when there's a significant library of published and tested content available from D&D archives, don't roll the dice on an amateur DM's conceptual vision for a homebrew adventure. Trust the professional DMs who are inspired by officially published content designed deliberately for the enjoyment of D&D players. With DM Cavaire, you get an unparalleled experience of adventures from the past that blend within the rules of today. Only passionate and committed players should apply. The effort you put in as a player will be matched by your DM. Who could ask for anything more?
Been a player with the DM since nearly the beginning, just a couple of months in when he started his first groups in 2020 - was looking for quarantine relief as it had just happened, and I struck a gold mine. As Trey some spot above put it, we've been anything from 2 to 4 campaigns with together, given that while we now have new characters, it's still been the same world all the time and we now have our first campaign references to go back onto (even incorporating them into the creation of new characters to serve as callbacks), including the influence and marks that our previous characters left in the world. Two things stuck out most to me - first of all, the regularity of our sessions. Not counting the holiday season in winter, in nearly five years we only missed maybe up to five sessions tops, often those that could come still managing to do something together, whether a side adventure or just a great evening to spend together. The other - the game doesn't simply go from session to session. There's active discussions ongoing on all the week, both between players and with DM themselves, Cavaire being willing to share some of what he's working on, as well as being very accepting on feedback. Text RP for more relaxed chats, something that might take up too much time in session, is also very welcome and encouraged.  All in all, struck a gold mine when I was having quarantine search for something to spend newly gaiined free time on. Never did I have thought that I picked wrong or that I should withdraw from group - it's been all amazing.
I honestly can't recall how long I've been in and out of Cavaire / Christian's groups but, siding with the above players, I can't recommend him enough as a DM. Aside from the consistency of sessions and the amazing storytelling that's been mentioned above, Christian's a lovely person who always strives to ensure his players are happy and enjoying the sessions. Christian dedicates focus not just to the core elements like the campaign itself, but to each player and any issues or feedback they might have. Having never been in a paid campaign before, I was a little apprehensive at first, but I find Christian's sessions well worth the price given, even down to the small things like ensuring we're in a group that will all get along. I've not had any issues with other players within Christian's groups and have made some neat friends but even if there were problems, I'd trust that Christian would be able to help. Overall, I highly recommend giving Christian's groups a go!
Joined the group as a highly nervous, unsure and total newbie to D&D but felt so warmly accepted by Christian and the group I fell in love with the hobby even more. I was worried about paying for games also, but quickly learnt that you pay for true quality and every penny was worth it. I had plenty of help and assistance with character creation, background, information I knew about the world and integrating with the party.  Christian brings a great mix of role-play, combat, intrigue, strategy and puzzles to the table and genuinely challenges us in unique and fun ways. He's bringing his own flare to games always and goes above and beyond with descriptions and details that make the game world feel alive. I truly believe that he was worth every penny and more, and if you're interested in a tight-knit, collaborative, reliable group to play with then I really recommend joining this campaign.  He's also very responsive to messages, really cares about your character, their story and place in the world and is also an all round great guy who is great fun to play with. Really hope you can join us soon, it's going to be an amazing adventure! -Giselle
Thank you to everyone who's shared their feedback—it's been incredible hearing how much you’re enjoying the campaign! I’d like to take this opportunity to share more about my approach as a DM and why joining this game is more than just attending a 3-hour weekly session. When you join my table, you’re not just paying for game time; you're investing in an ongoing, immersive experience that extends well beyond each session. Here’s what that looks like: Character Development & Personal Storylines : I work closely with each player between sessions to develop their character's backstory, goals, and unique story arcs. Whether it’s discussing character motivations, planning future developments, or integrating your backstory into the campaign, we’re constantly collaborating to make sure your character shines. Text-RP Between Sessions : The story doesn’t stop when the session ends. We have active text-based roleplay (RP) channels where players can explore side plots, have meaningful character interactions, or handle downtime activities. This keeps the world alive and gives you a chance to dive deeper into your character whenever inspiration strikes. "Just last week, a back-and-forth Text-RP unfolded between one of the players and an NPC over multiple days. It allowed that player’s character to have a personal moment to shine and explore a pivotal part of their story. What’s great about this approach is that it doesn’t take away from other characters’ time in the spotlight during the main sessions. Everyone is respectful of each other’s time, so the in-session focus remains balanced, and players feel free to develop their characters in their own ways outside of the core game hours." Workshop & Idea Development : I run a dedicated workshop channel where I brainstorm new content, ideas, and future plotlines—often months in advance. You’ll have insight into the process, and I’m always excited to hear player input on mechanics, world-building, or character concepts. This level of transparency and collaboration allows us to build something truly special together. Constant Engagement & Support : Whether it’s answering questions, helping with character updates, or providing feedback, I’m available throughout the week. I’m deeply invested in the game and the players, making sure everyone feels supported and connected to the campaign. So when you join, you’re getting far more than just 3 hours of gameplay—you’re becoming part of an ongoing, evolving story where your character matters and your voice is heard. If that sounds like something you’re excited about, we still have one spot left . Feel free to ask any questions, and I’d be happy to chat!