Hi Garrett! I am brand new to d&d (the 'listened to some podcasts and am very interested but have never played a game' kind of new) I'd really like to get my feet wet, which may not be what you are looking for, but I figured what the heck, I might as well inquire lol... I am big into fantasy and am an avid ren faire goer and am looking to develop my costume into a character by stepping her into d&d; after reading most of the handbook I feel like she translates well to the world. I don't know much about the landscapes and maps of d&d, so I will keep it vague as far as that goes until I learn more 😅. This is what I was hoping to explore at some point- if it works for your story, dope, if not, totally get it and would be open to developing a different character. Xandrii is an elven druid with somewhat eclectic interests and tastes. Bookworm, wanderer, and notorious trinket horder, she is very young for an elf, but has spent her time studying anything and everything related to plants and magic. Her elven roots lend a distinct connection to nature and natural magics, but she is insatiably curious, resulting in the study of alternative (arcane) methods of spellcraft. Her youth leads her to follow her whims and draws out her instinct to negotiate or flee in the event that someone has a conflict with her. She only truly steps into herself and her skills however when she finds herself in a position where she needs to defend others. She in past has lacked confidence in her abilities, primarily focused on the scholastic merit and less so on the actual use of the spells and skills she has learned, but is determined to remedy that and sets out seeking adventure. Thanks! Please let me know if you would need anything else from me!